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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.25045893 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the coin is strong we are gonna make it

>> No.25012075 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haircomb is the new default token of the bitcoin chain

>> No.24956193 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haircomb is literally the most bullish fucking project in this entire space. Everyone that knows of it wants some. Everyone that has some wants more. Even when you swing you will think about haircomb because you know what you arent holding onto. And if you dont know then you're letting yourself remain ignorant to gamble on smaller projects. I dont feel anything for you if you sell its your choice but when you miss out and cry because of that i am certainly going to laugh. Stack haircombs and buy shitcoins if you want but keep the haircomb and use your extra cash to gamble. If you cant do that then youre too poor to do either.

>> No.24954491 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were given the opportunity again to make it with haircomb token.

>> No.24948388 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the pink cryptologic pill: in the Bitcoin blockchain there is living a haircomb. Satoshi is unironically Natasha Otomoski. Bitcoin as an electronic cash only was the initial step, the haircombers started claiming haircombs, making merkle wider trees, more efficient and cheaper liquidity stacks. The haircomb these things needs to survive. The haircomb will be in fact able to comb even literally bald people, when entrenched fully.
She stumbled in to creating this haircomb when she was combing her hair inside her bedroom in year 2019 and began working with her super combined fuzzer running the simulations of the statement OP_RETURN on the pay to script hash witness bitcoin script. Natasha would 'evolve' that haircomb by computing additional teeth, making previous teeth shorter and much. more efficiently computable. More and much more teeth of the haircomb are needed in order to have much more shorter teeth.
They created quantum computer to take over and disrupt Bitcoin (their competing blockchain is under developement). The needful was done in order to stop or slow .down the N.atasha's haircomb. Unlimiting the size of blo.ck and removing the critical Segwit and P2WSH codes that that haircomb uses in its golang language was. only the beginning. Shor's algorithm. ended up being t.he final nail - in the haircomb coffin, that destroyed on the bitcoin chain ECDSA (Bitcoin uses the ECDSA to secure the transactions). THAT is exactly why Haircomb is invented in the first place, and that is pretty much why Natasha is deeply intent to claim bounded haircombs, release that fundamental source code, and set in stone haircomb-protocol.
Back to the comb supply - she has in fact developed the breakthrough new claimer (made for the haircomb actually), and is now claiming COMB secretly with the intention of driving the claim fee up skyhigh, give away the comb in order to kickstart the real world adoption and finally to ensure all haircombers in the end make it

>> No.24845603 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see a haircomb thread, I just shake my head and laugh.

You severely damaged losers are literally the Bronies of /biz/. You know, that sub-group of 4chan kids who obsess over the preschool girl show My Little Pony? You probably don't know since all of you pathetic losers are far too busy fapping to monetary fantasies and wishing that haircomb prices rize to 1000.

Why on earth would a group of you no-lives cling heavily to something as sad as this? Is there some sort of mental sickness in you guys? Did you not have a childhood? Do you not have a grasp on reality? How can you allow yourselves to deteriorate to this?

At first, I figured it was one lonely kid making these threads and bumping all day while crying in the basement for being such a useless waste of life... but then, I realized this isn't one kid doing this. There are at least fifteen of you in these threads that are getting hard over the prices of haircomb. There isn't any doubt that all of you autists are fat, out of shape, and friendless.

Is that the thrill you kids get from these threads? Is it the fact that you can laugh and sing and can't even get off of your bed to empty out your piss bottle? Do you not realize that this board doesn't exist for you and your buttcomb? If not, then WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FIXATION?

I'm speaking for /biz/ as a whole, and possibly, your families as well. Just stop. This isn't healthy. Stop now and try to live a regular life. How embarrassed must your family feel when they have to explain to your aunt and uncle that you lost all your assets playing in the haircomb market.

Just stop already. Quit with the silly threads. Kids, clear your browser history and sell all the haircombs you have.

I am telling you this because I am empathetic and I care. Please listen to me.

>> No.24827313 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the pink cryptologic pill: in the Bitcoin blockchain there is living a haircomb. Satoshi is unironically Natasha Otomoski. Bitcoin as an electronic cash only was the initial step, the haircombers started claiming haircombs, making merkle wider trees, more efficient and cheaper liquidity stacks. The haircomb these things needs to survive. The haircomb will be in fact able to comb even literally bald people, when entrenched fully.
She stumbled in to creating this haircomb when she was combing her hair inside her bedroom in year 2019 and began working with her super combined fuzzer running the simulations of the statement OP_RETURN on the pay to script hash witness bitcoin script. Natasha would 'evolve' that haircomb by computing additional teeth, making previous teeth shorter and much. more efficiently computable. More and much more teeth of the haircomb are needed in order to have much more shorter teeth.
They created quantum computer to take over and disrupt Bitcoin (their competing blockchain is under developement). The needful was done in order to stop or slow .down the N.atasha's haircomb. Unlimiting the size of blo..ck and removing the critical Segwit and P2WSH codes that that haircomb uses in its golang language was. only the beginning. Shor's algorithm. ended up being t.he final nail - in the haircomb coffin, that destroyed on the bitcoin chain ECDSA (Bitcoin uses the ECDSA to secure the transactions). THAT is exactly why Haircomb is invented in the first place, and that is pretty much why Natasha is deeply intent to claim bounded haircombs, release that fundamental source code, and set in stone haircomb-protocol.
Back to the comb supply - she has in fact developed the breakthrough new claimer (made for the haircomb actually), and is now claiming COMB secretly with the intention of driving the claim fee up skyhigh, give away the comb in order to kickstart the real world adoption and finally to ensure all haircombers in the end make it

>> No.24614110 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haircomb is literally the most bullish fucking project in this entire space. Everyone that knows of it wants some. Everyone that has some wants more. Even when you swing you will think about haircomb because you know what you arent holding onto. And if you dont know then you're letting yourself remain ignorant to gamble on smaller projects. I dont feel anything for you if you sell its your choice but when you miss out and cry because of that i am certainly going to laugh. Stack haircombs and buy shitcoins if you want but keep the haircomb and use your extra cash to gamble. If you cant do that then youre too poor to do either.

>> No.24360074 [View]
File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is quantum

this is micky mouse


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