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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.400569 [View]
File: 48 KB, 620x365, office-politics-620jt020413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have an office politics general? They confuse the fuck out of me, I admit I'm not the most socially aware but I swear half the shit that happens to me is batshit crazy.

Recently I've moved to a new company and I've been there a month. I sit next to a guy in upper management who is my bosses boss and have made friends with him. He had some issues with excel equations so I helped him out with a bit of my excel knowledge since I'm pretty good.

After that he asked me if I could create a price calculator spreadsheet for the office to use to calculate customer bills. So I took time away from my regular duties to do it. After I showed him that he gave me a harder excel project.
Now everyone on my team is super fucking butthurt at me and complained to my boss that upper management is giving me special treatment. I might have said something like "The only reason he gives me this stuff to do is he knows I'm the only one that can do it". And then they started complaining to management that I'm saying I'm "better than everyone else".

So now my boss has basically told upper management I can't get any more special projects because it's hurting team morale.
I don't get it, I'm being punished for being exceptional?

Anyone else experience something like this? I'm thinking of asking for a promotion, that way people on my team can't be butthurt I'm getting preferential treatment or I "think I'm better than they are". Because I literally will be. One of the main causes I think is that calculating billing isn't anything to do with my job and I'm on the bottom rung. My coworkers know more about the industry than I do but calculating billing is pure mathematics which I'm good at. They incorrectly assume they would be better because they have more industry experience.

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