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>> No.55459696 [View]
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>rise of smartphones fundamentally changing how society works and how people interact.
>Smartphones giving acces to the internet to normies at all times
>rise of dating apps and more importantly social media apps allowing women to essentially get an objective value of a man's social status/wealth via follows/likes/whatever
>dating apps/instagram/video calling allowing women access to men way outside of their geographical area, meaning men are now competing on a global scale.
>cost of living/housing crises in a lot of first world countries partially brought on by immigration, partially brought on by government money printing/inflation. Meaning a man must be earning way above average to own a house (even with mortgage) in most countries while living as a bachelor.
>women's standards raised due to global competition on the internet. Earning 6 figures is not really enough to be classed as 'rich' anymore. You must be the top of the top to get women's attention in any measurable aspect. Be it looks, money, fame.
>men now fear approaching women for romantic prospects due to fear of constantly being surveilledvia people recording their failures and posting them on social media to shame them for attempting to approach women.

There are probably a few im missing here but you get the picture. Im not saying not to try. That is a decision that only you can make but the only real option to have any real dating options/prospects is just
>yo bro just become a top 1% man in looks , money or status

There arent really any shortcuts or 'tricks' to getting women anymore. Everything is laid bare. Women can instantly see if you're a loser via your social media pages or lack of them. You simply have to be the best. And some men just arent cut out to be the best. In fact most guys arent. Most guys are average and women dont want that.

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