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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56537778 [View]
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I am 27 with a Bachelors and MBA headed to boot camp in 14 days. I am going reserves enlisted but i also have the option of going reserves Officer. I want to choose the one that will set me up for a career once I come back from AIT since I will be in the reserves. I enlisted as a 35T to learn in-depth IT and I know that comes with a top secret clearance as well. I have read lots of posts saying that with 35T AIT they are getting job offers in the high 5 figures with just their TS and Sec+. How true is this? If i stick with the 35T route and ship I plan to work as a contractor or get a gov't IT job. How easy would this be with just AIT?
>with this plan I also intend to stack my certifications and go back to school to get an IT degree.

My second option was to go straight to Officer in one of the more technical fields such as Intel or Cyber. I want to get managerial experience and Project management experience to eventually work as a project manager, I know the hours needed to apply as a PMP will be easy to get as an officer. But then again, I want to start working as soon as I come back from BOLC school of the officer and by the time I come back I won't have management experience just the title on my resume.

All in all, I am joining the army to do a career change but i don't know which will set me up right out of training with the best job opportunities. Can anyone please help me make my decision before I ship out? Everyone tells me to go straight to Officer, but I feel like enlisted would teach me more in computing and be more hands on (plus more fun and bro-like)

>> No.56401095 [View]
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I am 27 years old and need a better job.
A little about me: (won't post resume due to privacy)

Finished my BA in communications (2020)
Finished MBA (WGU)
Speak fluent Spanish, have tons of helpdesk experience (zendesk), have some SEO/creative writing experience

>Previous titles:
>Customer Experience assocaite
>product support specialist
>cutomer success manager

Worked at Audeze, HyperX, and a Saas company currently. (mainly been on the support and end user troubleshooting side)

I can't get interviews to get out of my shitty job. What am I doing wrong?

Where can I go from here to improve my chances of getting a better job? Preferably in tech?

Also how is my current plan?
>join army reserves in a IT heavy job to learn tech (ship out in 4.5 weeks from today)
> get an IT degree when I come back
>work in tech

Any opinions, recommendations, advice for someone with my background?

>> No.56072009 [View]
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I am stuck between joining the army or the secret service. I plan to go into the Army in an intelligence job and be in the reserves to serve my country. Would it be easier to get into the secret service as a reserve or would it be difficult?

Also would my military experience help me get into federal agencies such as FBI, CIA, or SEcret service in general. I will be in intelligence as the IT Specialist basically

>also have a Bachelors in liberal arts

Please help

>> No.53962669 [View]
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I got 3 interviews tomorrow, I usually start off pretty strong in the beginning and have good answers for the bs, but during the rest I tend to lose steam halfway through the interview and usually somethingn goes wrong.

Tomorrow I have screener/1st interviews, what are some tips/advice that you can give me on things that have worked for you in the past? Do any of you have "interview cheats" or certain things you do to make the interviewer like you better or think your a high value and they "need" you or any dark psychology shit like that I can try?

Im applying for wfh so i got a bunch of virtual zoom interviews. Any tips/advice welcome, help an anon out. Like how tf are you guys getting yourselves these 100k jobs and shit without being qualified, how do you charm the roasties in hr? please tell me.

>> No.51309925 [View]
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so this is something that's been in the back of my mind since the subject comes up occasionally in a burst of replies to newfag ideas: this general needs a line in the OP dedicated to Risk-Adjusted Return.
i propose anything explaining the basics and putting it up there with Risk Management. i would combine this page or something like it: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/risk-adjusted-return-ratios/
with an example scenario (widget company vs. dongle company, or whatever) and calculations for at least the sharpe ratio.
i think this subject is important enough to bring top-level instead of just "go read investopedia" where the typical newfag will not find it nor understand its importance, assuming they even do go read investopedia (tenuous assumption at best).
before i up and just do this, i request comments, suggestions, retards with critical and unconstructive feedback, and/or any volunteers to steal the idea and do it themselves

>> No.50877098 [View]
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IEP doesn't pay a dividend.
that's a distribution payment, you're in a limited partnership. you have to file a K-1.
the prospectus should also have explained you can be "paid" in new units, not cash. pretty much at carl's discretion, i think. he can also do the same for himself, ensuing he retains a huge majority of shares, and diluting the share price.
sometimes the shit you guys say here worries me for the future of america

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