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>> No.12823606 [View]
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That's because AION doesn't have any purpose you autistic fuck. You probably listened to some other dumb autistic fuck and here you are now.

>> No.12814394 [View]
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Canadian fiat currency
7.9 inches

>> No.12806171 [View]
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It is so fun reading art from the mind of an autistic person.

How does your brain connect all these dots? Please continue this LARP thread while answering this question.. Please!

It is fascinating to see what autistic people in this board come up with.

Source: If you honestly make 45/hr you wouldn't be near this board or have the limited mental capacity to come up with such a poorly animated LARP.

>> No.12805579 [View]
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>doesn't know he has autism

>> No.12791621 [View]
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Does everyone have autism on this board? Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.12783290 [View]
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If you hold any of those coins there is a good chance you have autism

>> No.12735662 [View]
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a matter of time until the autistic fomo kicks in and everyone starts holding bags of another useless shitcoin

>> No.12726765 [View]
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Give your autistic head a shake, the entire market cap of 900 billion gave bitcoin a chance to hit about 25k

What in fucking gods green earth do you think it will take for bitcoin to hit 50k?

Honestly what the fuck happened to this board? Did everyone's mommy and daddy forget to give their kids their fucking autism pills?

>> No.12726160 [View]
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a millionaire because I took the risk of buying into the major Canadian marijuana companies before it was legalized in Canada.

> the weed stocks that people are pouring money into right now are some of the smallest and most unprofessionally run organizations in all of the USA.

That's why I avoided all American companies besides Tilray 3 years ago.

>as soon as that shit is legalized, big daddy pharma is going to come in and anally rape 99% of the weed stocks

Are they going to magically sprout 1,000,000 pounds of weed growing capacity? If big pharma is going to get involved then they will acquire a company that is doing well at a premium price

The fact you only mention amazon from the dot com bubble shows how little you know.

>> No.12716131 [View]
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Hey you autistic fuck, crypto use has declined 75% since last year because the people without a fucking mental disability are moving on to real investments

>> No.12708685 [View]
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shut the fuck up you unemployed neet

Oh boy lets hear what the mid 20s autistic think inflation is

mommy and daddy didn't get your pills today?

>> No.12654341 [View]
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why cant these fucking autistic retards with no father figure in their life stop talking about fucking shitcoins

>> No.12634958 [View]
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Look in the fucking mirror and get idea how you live your life. Without lying to yourself. Are you a fucking loser?

The answer is probably yes if you are making this fucking useless thread

fuck autistics and fuck neets

>> No.12616095 [View]
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you are a 28 year old autistic neet

>> No.12501379 [View]
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you live under a fucking rock you autistic monkey?

>> No.12484220 [View]
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you are comparing an autistic meme coin that only biz talks about to a 13 billion dollar organization

You are one small minded fucking retard to even think of this. Stop smoking weed or take your fucking pills faggot

>> No.12257905 [View]
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The amount of poor and autistic people in this thread is fucking off the charts

>> No.12092141 [View]
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you are losing money every minute you hold any of these fucking shit coins you dumb cunts

>> No.11988213 [View]
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If you don't have fucking autism you can see the exchange has a daily volume of 60.97 BTC, which is less then mine or a lot of other people's own fucking wealth

it's dying shitcoin

>> No.10349464 [View]
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Oh boo hoo your investment of less than $5000 has gone to shit

go Fomo into F3D and make some money you fucking brainlet

>> No.9682526 [View]
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fucking love this, love when autistic retards on this board face reality the odd time.

Hows reality you fucking retards?

You needed a meme filled video to realize you low IQ fucks should focus on real cryptocurrencies and not autismlink

>> No.9588430 [View]
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Do you have autism?

>How to do well in crypto
Predict the future you fucking moron. Crypto isn't based on revenues or assets. It's value depends entirely on human's interpretation.

There you go, saved your parents from buying this with their credit card you fucking life experience deficient neet

>> No.9492778 [View]
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Can someone translate what this autistic fuck is trying to say?

>> No.9386101 [View]
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Nice LARP you autistic fuck. I wish I could have the low IQ level to develop ideas like this. Did you just get off a shift at McDonalds and felt like making a thread?

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