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>> No.50800731 [View]
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please buy AMC baggots, im still down 56% please I beg you

>> No.50797627 [View]
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sell now, invest in AMC sooner than later. obviously the safer play as they are expecting huge earnings soon, that minion movie was a hit! baggots you only live once, live it right.

>> No.50464169 [View]
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you baggots do realize AMC is the real play right? your memestock is nothing more than a distraction from the true king stock AMC. sell now sirs

>> No.50424154 [View]
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you baggots do know you guys can sell your meme stock for AMC? they obviously have a plan like investing in a gold mining stock and being profitable by 2024. baggots just sell now and ask questions later

>> No.50373655 [View]
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love you fellow ape, those baggots in that meme stock thread are off the rails and so delusional. cant wait to moon once that meme stock explodes. AMC for life

>> No.50324527 [View]
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you guys don't get it do you? AMC is the real play, stupid baggots who dont know the difference between meme stocks and real stocks (AMC). sell now, you will make more investing in AMC after you guys moon.

>> No.50216038 [View]
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when will you baggots get it through your idiotic meme trader heads that the squeeze play is AMC. Post split it will help AMC so much, us apes are diamond handing while you baggots are bag holding. lol

>> No.50211171 [View]
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sell now baggots, AMC will pump to thousands when you guys split, plus we are invested in a gold mine, we literally are golden apes. jump off the meme boat and join us AMC apes

>> No.49902808 [View]
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when will you baggots come to the conclusion that AMC is the play, hop off your carousel you meme traders and join us AMC apes in dismantling wallstreet

>> No.49878362 [View]
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hope you baggots sold your meme stock to buy some AMC as tomorrow will be a bloodshed. join us apes with holding AMC, you wont want to miss out

>> No.49871366 [View]
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baggots its not too late to take a loss and invest in the APE army (AMC) you will become rich beyond your dreams. sell now

>> No.49750185 [View]
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when will you baggots learn that you are in a losing trade, stop buying these meme stocks and invest in a profitable company like AMC. our silverback (AA) is taking the company into a whole new stratosphere while you memers are losing more and more everyday. learn to take losses baggots

>> No.49743178 [View]
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why do you baggots still invest in memestocks and not a real stock with a plan like AMC? i dont understand how you baggots can hold a losing stock, cut your losses and buy AMC

>> No.49715415 [View]
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baggots when will you learn that you are not getting a MOASS? only AMC apes will see millions while you meme traders jerk eachother off, invest in a real company like AMC and watch your investment 10000x. dont say I didnt warn you baggots

>> No.49586926 [View]
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baggots just sell now, you are not holding enough AMC to make a real difference. AMC is love AMC is life. learn how to take a loss with your bags and join the winning side (AMC)

>> No.49506897 [View]
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AMC is the real play, you meme traders have nothing to show after 18 months except professional bagholding. AMC has a solid foundation with millions of competent investors who actually believe in the company. wake up baggots the rodeo is over for you all, sell now

>> No.49503762 [View]
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you dumb GME baggots should have bought AMC to hedge against inflation, instead you held a failing brick and mortar meme stock LOL.

>> No.49483271 [View]
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how does it feel baggots? knowing you aren't receiving a stock split? AMC apes stay winning, feel bad for you LOL.

>> No.49453833 [View]
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invest in AMC baggots

>> No.49428200 [View]
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sell now, cut your losses baggots. invest in a real company like AMC. they have actually came up with a solid plan, nothing to lose with investing in a winning stock such as AMC. feel bad for you meme traders LMAO!

>> No.49405663 [View]
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Sell now baggies

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