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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.16224932 [View]
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Craig is a liar and a fraud. BSV is hyper shitcoin tier.

Whoever keeps spamming these shill threads is literally trash. There's no way you can sell this shit to normal people, so you're striving to con whichever schizo weirdo or desperate loser that might read your bullshit.

Honestly consider killing yourself shill. The world would be better off. I know it, you know it, so just do it!

Unless you're Creg. Then don't kill yourself you literal faggot, you don't get to disappear. You are our bitch, our laughing stock for life.

>> No.15254456 [View]
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>> No.8302316 [View]
File: 17 KB, 243x200, 1519313171102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh at all the neets here investing (and wasting their life savings on imaginary coins)
>Get into Real Estate
>Pre-buy a brand new house for $270k
>House will be worth $350k by the time it's fully built in half a year
>I can rent it for $1.5k per month
>After 10 years or so my house will be worth at least $500k
>Rinse and repeat until billionaire.

While you fags cry about muh life investments being gone and living on the street, I laugh all the way to the bank because I don't waste my money on imaginary internet coins that serve no purpose whatsoever.

>> No.7873875 [View]
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>ITT: burgers have opinions about places they never been to

>> No.7703456 [View]
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t. Increasingly nervous shorter

(You) better prepare your anus. Have you ever seen that pic of a weight-lifter's prolapsed rectum?

>> No.7647707 [View]
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Cashies are so sad. I don't even think this is paid shilling right now, just classic bagholder delusion.

>if I keep shilling it on that cantonese cartoon board maybe the value will go up

>> No.6038325 [View]
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That's neat and might work into a sweet PnD, but there's no way XRP can stay ahead of BTC. The whole point of BTC is being decentralised and trustless, XRP is a centralised trusted private service.

Somewhat ironically it does have a very good shot at staying ahead of all the shitcoins like BCH whose entire shtick revolves around "muh fast payments and low fees".

>inb4 more "core" conspiracies and altcoin marketing

>> No.1476234 [View]
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Having a healthy bank account is the only way to guarantee a chance to get at the front of the line for rejuvination biotechnologies and failing that, top of the line cryonic preservation.


Going further, having millions will allow you to fund your own research initiatives, like that crazy woman who set up a lab in Colombia to test out some therapies that the FDA didn't want her doing.

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