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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.53656526 [View]
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Who cares? The thought of handing over your coins to someone to hold hostage is unthinkable. Is nubiz really just plebbit now?

>> No.53142989 [View]
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We learned this is 2017. Just the idea of handing over your coins to some company to hold hostage was unthinkable. Nubiz is full of plebbitors and actually gave these retards their coins.

>> No.53134340 [View]
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Remember that bancor jew from 2017 that wanted to hold your coins hostage? New greater fools have moved into the space since then and actually gave their coins to these people to hold in exchange for some pre-mined shitcoin. It's like bancor but instead of buying the coin for cents and selling the news they actually gave up their crypto to these bancors to hold hostage.

>> No.53122116 [View]
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Always has been

>> No.52825139 [View]
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>giving your coins away to be held hostage

>> No.52758621 [View]
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No. Crypro finance is a jew scam. You buy low and sell high.

>> No.52557821 [View]
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Good. Crypro lending needs to die. We learned this 5 years ago. Buy BTC and alts low then sell high. Don't leave your coins on an exchange. Don't let some let anyone hold them hostage.

>> No.52473135 [View]
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No. You should have known better.

>> No.52460041 [View]
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Wrong although nupol is full of Russian compromised retards and no longer based.

>> No.52412596 [View]
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>> No.52408826 [View]
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Lol the jews are so blatantly robbing the goy

>> No.52355282 [View]
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>> No.52348258 [View]
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Forgetting someone?

>> No.52347225 [View]
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Gullible newfags? You would think they would learn. Jews have been trying to infiltrate crypto and setup fractional reserve banking since 2017 at least.

>> No.51352205 [View]
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You were all warned years ago

>> No.50922973 [View]
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If you touched this shit after 2017 then you deserve it.

>> No.50542029 [View]
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Imagine buying the coin after 2017

>> No.50274957 [View]
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2017 anon here thats shows up every bull run for the memes, loses a few hundred in crypto then leaves. What the fuck are people doing using this jew scam coin? What did link do? What the fuck is crypto finance? There's banks and shit now but it's all imploding?

>> No.50091361 [View]
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Bancor kikes did it too

>> No.49854479 [View]
File: 670 KB, 1624x1585, E7F99AAD-80AB-43BB-A31B-E30CC336CDAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ relentlessly mocks Bancor for years
>insults them for being Jewish
>even the press gets involved and writes articles like this
>revenge time
>all of /biz/s staked Link on Bancor is used to short the asset
>fucks over all your hopes and dreams


>> No.29335946 [View]
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>> No.29127179 [View]
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>man in 2017 I remember getting legit 5x'd overnight
This. I still remember having my hair cut at the barber, and after I'd finished, I saw my portfolio going up more than my dad's monthly wage. In 15 minutes, I made more than my dad made in a month. Crazy times. We're still not there yet right now.

>> No.28912170 [View]
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>> No.28029708 [View]
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>he doesn't know
KEK. Fucking newfags. The woman who made this coin unironically fled to Israel after exit scamming.

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