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>> No.11721255 [View]
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>i have reached drone status, which is the totally natural final stage in the development of my character/personality
that, or something is extremely wrong with your health

mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every chronic illness—both mental and physiological—that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west
emeramide is the chemical that will singlehandedly turn everything around for the majority of people, and finally allow western nations to re-establish that civility which runs in their people's blood back to their respective civilizations

>> No.11570211 [View]
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you become confident in your ability to do.
having a lack of confidence stems from making errors. you make errors and are not able to meet your own reasonable expectations because the normal execution of processes in your body are interrupted by the presence of chemicals and materials that should not be there. in some cases, these chemicals can remain in the body virtually forever. mercury in any form, when inside of cells within the body, is a constituent of some of the most harmful chemicals that demonstrate the ability to persist in the body indefinitely, as a result of the ability of both vaporous elemental mercury and organic mercury to get inside of cells and bind to thiol groups within them. substantial amounts of elemental mercury vapor is emitted from dental amalgam fillings, and organic mercury that bypasses the protection provided to individuals from the gastrointestinal system is contained in vaccinations containing thimerosal. individuals who receive exposure to either of these things undoubtedly suffer the effects. pregnant mothers who have direct exposure to either of these things have been proven to be exposing the fetus within them to downright unsafe levels of lipid membrane-permeating mercury.

mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every serious chronic disease that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west.
emeramide is a novel non-toxic and lipid-soluble mercury chelator and antioxidant. it is, by far, the most effective mercury chelator known to man, demonstrating the ability to prevent death and evident toxicity in rats injected with 14x the lethal dose of mercuric chloride. it has been used to cure a wide variety of neurological diseases, from parkinson's and lou gherig's to autism and alzheimer's. at this point in time, type 2 diabetes has also been cured with emeramide.

>> No.11545527 [View]
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thimerosal from vaccinations can do it
the continuous consumption of fish high in mercury, as well, can leave you with a considerable amount of mercury that remains inside of your cells
in any case, mercury tends to accumulate in the mitochondria of cells as it is an area so rich in thiols—which mercury is attracted to
mercury enters cells as elemental or organic mercury, and is while inside, is converted to inorganic mercury—which is a form that cannot cross lipid barriers
because of this, even if the mercury becomes loose from a thiol group, it stays inside of the cell practically permanently, going from one thiol group to another
it's like being locked inside of a building with a giant unstoppable boulder that's rolling around from place to place, and neither you not it can leave
organic mercury and the vapor of elemental mercury are supremely pervasive; they can pretty much go anywhere in the body
the younger your age of exposure, the more damage it can do to your developing systems
not even DNA is safe

if your mother had dental amalgams, or got a thimerosal-containing vaccination while pregnant, this mercury is able to enter your fetal tissue from her body and you get ridiculously high exposure for your body mass, at an age where you're extremely vulnerable to the damage that it can cause

mercury in any form is supremely toxic to every biological system, without exception
the fact that emeramide is able to cure so many diseases that everyone either denied or didn't suspect was caused by mercury poisoning is proof of this

>> No.11391510 [View]
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>life is a zero sum game
don't believe this trash meme; this is something that only SJWs are retarded enough to truly believe
also, look into mercury poisoning, or watch out for posts that i make regarding it
the west—with so many men (and some women) clouded with brain fog, dwindling in ambition, intellect, fertility, and needs emeramide
even if we succeeded in getting one right-wing libertarian after another as leaders, the west's population would continue to die out, even with immigration totally closed off
when everyone realizes that we are dying because we are being deliberately poisoned and that all the bloody social changes for the better in the world that we could push for aren't going to cure the mentally ill who caused all of this to begin with or stop more mentally ill from coming into being, emeramed—with emeramide likely on the market and completely curing those who suffer from "genetic" neurological disorders one-after-another without any risk by that time—is going to make a lot of money
they're selling their stock to investors at the moment
i'm dead certain that this is one of the greatest investment opportunities of all time

>> No.11253227 [View]
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make emeramide and sell it to people as a treatment for autism, alzheimer's, brain fog, and all of the thousands of other problems caused by the presence of sulphur-binding heavy metals in the body
emeramide is, by far, the most effective heavy metal chelator known to man—but it is also the safest, demonstrating no toxicity at any dosage level in clinical studies or trials
the only "side effect", if you can even call it that, is that it raises glutathione levels

alternatively, if you have money, you can invest in the only company that is trying to bring this literal miracle chemical to drug markets for human use—emeramed. they also have a patent on the drug, and are presumably going to capitalize on that.

>> No.11104046 [View]
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i fucking wish i was able to
early access looks like the only way to get it (to better answer your questions, >>11103172 and >>11103088), but it's the most shit way ever
if doctors in your country can only prescribe medication to people on a basis of evidence, you're totally fucked, because most doctors only do a fucking blood or a urine test for mercury
in truth, it barely matters what excretory thing they test for mercury, because your body barely excretes it in the first place—but, especially in the case of blood tests (which is the most likely thing they'll test), the only time you'd ever have elevated blood mercury is when you've been eating way too much fish that's high in methylmercury
you're not gonna show anything, otherwise—even if your soft tissue is just loaded with inorganic mercury that's clinging to thiol groups
even if your brain is just a barely fucking functional fucking lump of fat from having all of its neurons getting torn to shreds by mercury that's now sitting dormant in thiol groups in the brain where iron served a critical function, sending the iron scattering all across the brain and causing more endless shit
you can't
win with these people
and you have to prove, without a SHRED OF DOUBT in a lengthy and costly endeavor into the unknown while dealing with progressively worsening fucking body-wide damage, that you actually do have the condition that you claim to have so that you can get fucking permission from a bureaucrat to do business with a private company—all with the end goal of purchasing a medicine that works really fucking good, causes no side effects, and is non-toxic at the most fucking absurd doses

pic related is an emeramide molecule; if it looks like the head of a bull to you, it's a sign to invest in emeramed

[nervous laughter]

>> No.11067458 [View]
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all zoomers need is emeramide
it'll cure the shit out of the crippling autism and mental retardation that the ones with any testosterone suffer

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