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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.13814772 [View]
File: 29 KB, 250x202, 1355021501789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the official story is that those funds got divided between them, right?
Holy shit, you gullible morons. The only thing that got divided was the coins. The MONEY (real money) was and it still is held by Pete. For a while I genuinely thought that you people are just desperate bagholders that know the truth, but in spite of that, you want to dump it on others. I now realize that you are genuinely retarded and have been lied to big time. Oh well. Good luck and keep believing that bullshit. The supply of cretins in this world is truly unlimited.

>> No.12533235 [View]
File: 29 KB, 250x202, 1355021501789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, don't listen to that bullshit. It's a typical HR canned line. I've tangentially been through this bullshit
>gf worked as an upper management at a medium company
>she's a very competent wageslave and brings in fucktons of money so all is well
>higher ups get jelly and start making her life a living hell so she will quit and they can take her project
>she quits and says she doesn't want to work in management anymore (muh psychopats and evil people) and will look for a job that is a step down from her level
>applies to dozens of jobs for which she's overqualified thinking it's gonna be just a formality to get in
>for the next 8 months gets rejected for reasons like "not enough experience (??), "too overqualified", "you didn't pass our test cause you didn't take it seriously enough", "found someone else more suitable for the job (even though her expertise is quite specific and there are a handful of people that can do it)", etc.
>gets depressed
>"hurr durr I'm a loser! I thought I knew how to do my job but these HR people tell me I don't"
>after 8 months actually finds a company that takes one look at her CV and sees gold; she's a perfect fit for them and they know how to monetize it
>the new company she works for is ecstatic they finally found someone with her skill set; they treat her great and throw shovels of money at her
>happiest she's ever been

TL/DR: after 8 months of that shit I can tell you that you can wipe your ass with this "feedback". There are thousands of reasons for why they will reject you but they will never tell you the truth. If you know you're good at what you do, just keep looking until you find a company that is not retarded.

>> No.10720446 [View]
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It doesn't take a genius to know it'll get delayed, buy the rumors sell the news.

>> No.9851475 [View]
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EOS and XRP being successful is proof that this market is retarded. If this type of shit reaches top 5, it means that either the entire crypto market is a meme and we're doomed or that we're still very early.
I'm thinking that 10 years from now we'll be looking back and wondering how these pseudo-decentralized bullshit projects were ever valued so high.

>> No.7894278 [View]
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seriously, no one?
You cunts shill this here daily, but when it comes to serious questions no one has anything to say?

>> No.7140860 [View]
File: 29 KB, 250x202, 1355021501789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ark dropped from rank 18 to 55
meanwhile my wallet rank gets BTFO by faggots who secretly accumulate while FUD-ing ARK.
>oh woe is me, ARK is so bad, let me buy some more and stake this shit!

I know what you're doing cunts and you know who you are. Suck my cock!

>> No.6850711 [View]
File: 29 KB, 250x202, 1355021501789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you guys for real or just shilling this for the lulz?
There already was an anon here yesterday or 2 days ago that explained to you in moderate detail why this is bullshit. You don't actually believe they can predict the future with a shitty app, right?
>but muh beans in a jar and weight of a cow

Seriously people, tell me this is a joke and not everyone on biz is this retarded and easily convinced. Fuck me, and god fuck this place to hell if this is for real.

>> No.5179540 [View]
File: 29 KB, 250x202, 1355021501789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going from 177 billions to 99 billions was not a dip?

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