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>> No.12943899 [View]
File: 26 KB, 331x424, Evan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 hours
>50+ replies
>"oracles aren't real premise"
>6 samefag posts in a row
>keep samefagging so thread won't die for last 2 hours

Dude just move on.
Don't want to invest in LINK, then don't.
No need to preach shit here that noone want to listen.
Also go back to plebbit.
The only thing missing in this thread, apart from your braincells responsible for absorbing information, that your arguments are shit and you are shit, is you shilling mobius you filthy pajeet.
To summarize. Your IQ is too low to be on this board, and i smell a newfag from a mile away.
NPC's like you hang around on /r and when you scroll up or down, there's no /r here.

>> No.12939585 [View]
File: 26 KB, 331x424, Evan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of debating is that real,confirmed or what not. That could be just a presentation.

Smartcontracts and oracles on Facebook?
Ads paid by crypto, finish campagin, get paid.
Facebook running nodes.
Facebook marketplace, crypto payments.
Facebook paying in crypto for Your data.

There are a lot of options.

Also this is not 2017, stop sweating on your chairs with some rumors/partnership news.

2019 forward it's all about proper adoption and actually showing a working product that will
1. Make existing solutions for less $
2. Make ^ decentralized
3. Make something in crypto that actually corresponds and works with outside world

That's basically Chainlink explanation, and Jewckerg will not hesitate any second to save shitton of money by implementing chainlink.

How it can be done, and if they NDA' it for couple of years to get ahead of competition is another story.

You guys should fuckin pay me for posting on this indian message board jesus christ.

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