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>> No.59229908 [View]
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>> No.58759070 [View]
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no nigga go short FAC and get money instead of a fucking stock

>> No.58661342 [View]
File: 91 KB, 320x450, 787erw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, I see myself swaggering into the depths of hell, I'll give a whiskey on the rocks to the devil.

>> No.58344896 [View]
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pouring a glass for you mate and wishing your LTC pumps, im waiting on gravity labs to release so i know the struggle

>> No.58166768 [View]
File: 91 KB, 320x450, want_a_glass_anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delete the child
>or sell it
>use the money on crypto
could be anything, btc, loaf cat, pepe, memecoins are the meta currently

It's that easy anon, thank me later

>> No.57600239 [View]
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Welcome to /BIZ OP, im guessing you received the email explaining that you need to have at least 1 unit of LINK bought before the end of the year lest the jannies go out and kill you? Good, good. Don't mind the price, you can trade agrs or eth, as long as you mantain your LINK it will all be alright

>> No.57080636 [View]
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A toast, for more christmas with the frens

>> No.57034278 [View]
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Let's see if you're still good 10 years from now on, i would honestly like to see that shit

>> No.56918588 [View]
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If you sold maybe it's a good time to buy $RAMP while it's still cheap, it already had a 2x today and the coin just launched, highly recommended

>> No.56885814 [View]
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Not drinking coffee but i do enjoy the company of a fellow copytrader. Cheers

>> No.56617053 [View]
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>OP had proof
>There were witnesses
>VMU appeared
Ultra larp
>You talk about proof yet post nothing of the sort
I proclaim your thread with the FAKE and the GAY

>> No.55901390 [View]
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>Be non american
>Have free healthcare
>Have free education
>60k a year
>2 cars
>Affordable houses
>Don't get shot or mugged on a daily basis
>I can visit my family in any part of the country for less than 50 usd

You burgers think you're hot shit because muh 300k a year and then you walk outside for a second and get immediately shot to dead by some nigger. I've been living as a wfh chad since two years, investing in memecoins, my portfolio filled to the brim with gems (thanks x.com) and enjoying my life. Good luck when 10 years from now you start immigrating to other parts of the world because living in the states is a hell on earth

>> No.55783899 [View]
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>Hey, im called PissPenisOrgy Musk, nice to meet you
>want some of my 3 million dollars wine?
Honestly it makes sense

>> No.55223898 [View]
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How does it feel to know that your token isn't V3 and therefore is going to tax you to hell and back while still having 20% of slippage per transaction?

>> No.52673802 [View]
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>Most devs are men
>The Dextools CEO is sexist, and leads one of the most profitable crypto bussiness right now
no shit sherlock

>> No.52440649 [View]
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Wanna know why? Because this generation is split between the ones that want to retire easily with 0 work and wish to live on a drug filled dream vs the ones that are actually working, actually paying their loans, actually learning and actually investing. I mean just look at the difference between the FTX devs and the HOLO devs, it's day and night, and it's all coming together for those who actually worked

>> No.51647939 [View]
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>tfw still living with my parents in my thirties

should have taken the cosy pill

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