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>> No.58560301 [View]
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>> No.56950068 [View]
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>mfw pmg always says if you don't hold it you do not own it
>mfw pmg doesnt trust funny hats
>mfw pmg doesn't trust corrupt banks
>mfw pmg thinks usd will go the way of the dodo
>mfw a few individuals are proud to show they keep their PMs with said untrusted sources

Cool stacks and all but yall done goofed

>> No.55847814 [View]
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While we all bring up KG, he really is just the poster boy for what will be hundreds if not thousands of Hedgie Operatives that are chiefly responsible to feed... Well, the few million people that have been living under the impression they "own this planet".

>> No.55035456 [View]
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>> No.50503111 [View]
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Quite impressed with the hedgies. So far it seems people are getting their shares. I guess they either shorted like a motherfucker to meet demand or those are IOUs and brokers still need to get the actual shares next. Either way today should be very, very fun.

>> No.30284849 [View]
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Nope, TINA is dead with reopening & surging yields, nasdump to 9999

>> No.30063651 [View]
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Fuck off with your bearish rising wedge. Imagine using TA to chart jew magic.

>> No.30036981 [View]
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I quit my job to be able to read GME charts 15h per day

>> No.27851135 [View]
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You know what? nooo

>> No.27229309 [View]
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>> No.27207856 [View]
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>> No.26998596 [View]
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Yall are being manipulated. Pawns in the game to crash the entire market.

There is zero fucking chans some reddit tranies looted their gender reassignment savings and collectively came up with 90 billion to go fucking speculate on Gamestop stocks to fuck with some investment firm shorting some stocks. because the people with half a brain and the money to do this would know to stay away from it.
So ((Someone)) is making a killing, and they have picked people to take the blame for it AND the domino effect that will follow.
Get new script writers, the Hollywood pedos might be good at fucking kids, but they fucking suck at writing plot twists.

>Hurr I'm making gains
>Hurr death to hedgies

Nothing will change from this, sure a few hedges will die, sure some anons will make big bucks, but the fake corrupt fiat ponzi continues and the 1% still remain in control. This is looking more like a total market rug pull everyday, and redditors are the scapegoat

Inb4 Chinese anime faggots are against what I said.

>> No.26940831 [View]
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There is zero fucking chans some reddit tranies looted their gender reassignment savings and collectively came up with 90 billion to go fucking speculate on Gamestop stocks to fuck with some investment firm shorting some stocks. because the people with half a brain and the money to do this would know to stay away from it.
So ((Someone)) is making a killing, and they have picked people to take the blame for it AND the domino effect that will follow.
Get new script writers, the Hollywood pedos might be good at fucking kids, but they fucking suck at writing plot twists.

>> No.26802728 [View]
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People think this is organic to reddit and that reddit has this much power over the market. Kek

When the market crashes they will need someone to point fingers at, and they have their scapegoat

>> No.26736118 [View]
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Based. The euphoria is to strong here. While I gained more from gme than I did last year I've hit the exits and I'm sitting cash now. A crash because of gamestop is not a matter of if but when

When these hedge funds or even some bagholding investors get margin called for their entire portfolios and all the debt they are going to have, they will have to liquidate all their other stocks to pay back the debt they had surmounted from gamestop.

This is going to cause all the other stocks in various industries that they had invested in to be force sold thus driving down the value of the market as a whole. And we are starting to see this today. Not so much because of the debt, but because they want to move into gme,amc etc.

Redditors are so fucking dumb that they just caused another recession. This is what commies are good at.

Did anyone else notice the rest of the market is swimming in red, stocks that have been flat lined for months, deep red. I wonder why. I've sold my positions and I'm now 100% cash looking for the cheapies. Get out while you can.

>> No.26656518 [View]
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>but muh 1488 order

Imagine listening to a monkey.

>> No.26217178 [View]
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>he didn't buy manganese

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