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>> No.49965393 [View]
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> Year is 1500 or some shit
> Be villages best doctor
> Walking to my doctors hut one day
> Peasant fag calls me over to her nasty ass farmers house
> Its literally made of hay and shit
> whatnow.spanishinquisition
> Says her husband hurt his arm while harvesting his crops
> Meet dirty ass husband laying on their shit caked floor
> "Doctor, it's me arm. I think its broken"
> I'll be the judge of that, faggot
> Examine it like the expert I am
> "Ah yes, I've seen this many times before. This is most certainly the plague"
> "No m'lord, I just fell on it, I swear!"
> "Silence, doth thou know more than I, peasant?"
> Beat the plague out of him with my doctors stick
> Beat his family for thinking he knows more than me
> Scalp him just for good measure
> You are now ridden of the devils plague
> feelsgood.jousting
> Tell him his crops are all infected
> They must be burned, lest the whole town die of plague
> What a shame that would be
> Burn all his crops for him
> Ruin the family of medieval bitcoin with no harvest and my doctors fees
> but gave them free mercury pills
> Town starves because all their food was burned
> notmyproblem.Columbus

>> No.23330358 [View]
File: 10 KB, 225x224, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid is so fake that the British government has had to call in the army psychological warfare specialists Unit 77
to troll the plebs in the daily mail comments section
The UN hired 10,000 people to post on the internet, including 4chan
>But it is very real my mother got very sick and still hasn't recovered and I know at least 5 people who have died from it!
I'm pretty sure the King of England didn't have to hire media influencers during the Great Plague in the 14th century
>Gadzooks! Tis real I say! The King's Jester is but a hairs breadth from expiring and several of my serfs have already gone to the Lord!

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