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>> No.15988539 [View]
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You can't put a price on true love, OP. Mostly people never experience what that is. Just tell ur retarded /pol/ thoughts to go away. If she makes u happy then go for it, bro.

>> No.15894248 [View]
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>deflation is bad
for a brief moment, purchasing power will return to the consumer. I like the idea of buying some classic car off a dying boomer for like a tenth of what he was selling it before.
Then I cry as my dollars go up in flames with hyperinflation as the retarded jews print massive amounts of currency to retake that purchasing power back from the goyim.
Anyways, buy gold & silver and shheeeeit
>t. mike maloney

>> No.15030165 [View]
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>> No.14987415 [View]
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It's a bitch saving money, frens

>> No.14929368 [View]
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Drug dealers deserve the rope for pushing shit on to kids who grow up all fucked in the head because some anon couldn't get a real job
>hurr durr it's their own choice to do the drugs
yeah no shit but drug dealers perpetuate a global industry of death from where it's sourced like coke from Pablo Escobar's ghost and heroine from the Mexicans or even fucking Xanax from the jew doctors.
Seriously go fuck yourself or wait till you get your door busted down by the cops and you'll be rotting in federal prison for the rest of you life.
Then in your jail cell you weep as you realize it all could've been averted.

>> No.14906728 [View]
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Humanity is standing at a financial crossroad. Money influences absolutely everything. From the day you were born to the day you die you will be beholden to whatever paradigm exists.
However everything today is intertwined with one another. Instead of sovereign countries producing their own currency backed by gold and silver, they have moved away from PMs to unlimited deficit spending.
Every other fiat is pegged to the USD. The USD is the gold of today's paradigm, but once the USD that is backed by nothing other than blind trust fails, that is when other countries start dumping the dollar back to the US.
Think about it frens. How many drug dealers hold USD? How many foreign regimes hold USD? How much US debt is owned by China and Japan.
Once the levee breaks hyperinflation is going to happen overnight.
The pigeons are coming home to roost.

>> No.14438765 [View]
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nobody "buys" the silver silly.
Everybody will be working for a silver dime a day when the Jews at the federal reserve destroy this country.
When the zoomers default on their loans, when the boomers drive up health care and bleed social security dry and when the doomers off themselves then the new paradigm will be brought in fren.
You can literally buy this shit for less than a fast food meal its so undervalued so banks can acquire more and more until they decide to flip the switch.

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