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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.54594416 [View]
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The whole Zcash fiasco is a stark reminder of just how critical it is to develop a solid reputation for transparency, fair play and excellence right from the start.

No matter what those trannies do, whatever brilliant tech solutions they develop, the coin itself is now tarnished beyond all hope and a walking punchline, basically. I don't see it ever coming back from that, especially now that they have Turd World village feeders obnoxiously shilling ZEC on social media, its literally Shitcoin Marketing 101.

Sure, they're going to try to ride the coattails of zk-SNARKs seeing widespread adoption but unfortunately there are now so many devs working on ZKP tech that token literally not needed. Their only hope would be darknet adoption but since multisig isn't possible with shielded TXs, that ain't on the cards either. And even it it was, which rational DNM admin would risk ruining their reputation by accepting fucking Zcash in 2023, the backlash would be epic.

Sorry, z-tards, ya dun goofed.

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