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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57486767 [View]
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>women will use you
>sales calls/pitches will never end
>everyone expects things from you

The benefits outweigh the drawbacks though
>people hold you with contempt

>> No.57475461 [View]
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I already did

>> No.57454258 [View]
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I don't get it. I have a house, wife, dog, and son on the way that I need to take care of and give the best life possible.

I also recently just got a second passport so am seriously considering my options outside the US.

>> No.57397989 [View]
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Tampa native here, live in Chicago.

They're alright. I'm speaking in broad strokes here, so may vary from city to city:

>lower COL (generally, that's changing in a lot of cases)
>lower taxes
>more freedom (depending on what your views are)
>generally more pro-business, so if you're an entrerepeneur it'll be easier to function with less regulation
>nicer weather (generally, they're in the south)
>smaller pond with smaller fish, so easier to advance in your career if you're truly ambitious/want to be successful

>government services will be even less functional than in blue states/cities, basically nonexistent
>expect to drive everywhere
>much less segregated, for the most part
>wages are lower, factor that in
>far less talent, hard to hire for any business involving knowledge work
>far fewer career opportunities, exceptions being cities like dallas/houston depending on the industry

So it's a give and take, really what you make of it, like anywhere.

>> No.57383562 [View]
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Still wfh and doing well. I don't really even mind going into the office, the main benefit for me is that I can go to the gym when it's not completely packed

>> No.57340494 [View]
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I'm in a very similar situation where I can effectively work anywhere and don't really have anything holding me back
>US/Irish dual citizen (can work/live in US/UK/EU/AUS/NZ/others without visa)
>making a little less than you are in current role ($125k-ish)
>just broke up with gf recently
>live on the other side of the country from family
>mom took executive role in a different city, sold our childhood home
>sister lives on the west coast now (I'm from florida originally)
>dad moved to different city in FL
>also have VERY comfy crypto stack I've been holding since 2016, nothing life-changing but enough for a down payment on a starter home

So I'm basically a free man. I could go anywhere. I'm incredibly torn between getting back into another serious relationship and starting to build something with my life, or if I should start traveling full-time (either for a new role with lots of travel involved or just digital nomading full-time). I'm leaning more towards the latter given I have a lot more opportunities for visa-free living/working, but I wouldn't be opposed to settling down some time soon.

Another option would be to re-base myself. So anons if you had zero ties holding you down where you live, and you could live anywhere in the US or EU (plus UK), where would you live? I'm kind of rudderless at the moment, any help would be appreciated.

>> No.56085228 [View]
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>L6 Engineer
>730k TC
>only rents said apartment because there's a gym in the building

>> No.55403498 [View]
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>157k NW
>gf is 23
I got very lucky with crypto in 2017 and again in 2021 and parlayed that into free college and a nice 2 bed + office condo in a major city.

>> No.55352700 [View]
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Closed a 175k deal today and it's only noon

data visualization tool for agriculture company in minnesota

>> No.55350713 [View]
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We crabbed for three years from early 2018 to late 2020

And even longer from 2014-2017 the first time

>> No.55342981 [View]
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I (partially) run a software development agency and some of our best customers are local government contracts. We've built a website or intenal software tool for basically every municipality in chicagoland

Bidding is relatively easy. The hard part is getting on the approved state vendor list. THAT is hard. However, once you're on it, you become a preferred vendor for government projects. Once on that list and in contact with local government:
>make sure to keep your rapport up (call regularly, keep in touch once the project is done, the regular account manager steps but to another level so they always know you're ready to bid)
>make sure the work is always of decent quality and DO NOT fuck up
>understand how to explain technology to literal brainlets (we are dealing with municipal government here, they aren't sending their best)
>if you deliver EXACTLY what is promised within the desired timeline, consistently, you CAN overcharge them

Feel free to ask questions if you'd like

>> No.55341136 [View]
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I used to be 325 so I've really come a really long way

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