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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54990440 [View]
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The market is overheated, think of it as shitcoins. Would you buy tokens from the last bullmarket for $6 and hope it goes again to $60. Or do you go for that new exciting project that can do a x1000.

>> No.54850310 [View]
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dunno how its so chesp, they are still releasing oil from the spr right?

>> No.54753712 [View]
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1. Yes big financial institutions will always be saved because those places give the jobs politicians wants to go after their political career
2. No my guess they can kick the can till 2024, don't expect a big crash. Just high inflation and stagnant wages for the next 5-8 years
3. CBDC = programmable money. For example you could give people during Covid an allowance they have to spent in 3 weeks to boost the economy.
4. Not immediately, first you introduce it then you wait for an event and then you push it through. Like vaccine passports.
5. Yes atleast in the EU
6. All in on gold is retarded, read books about the Weimar republic. Imo your better of with a mix of stocks, cash and gold
7. Massive spending (large infrastructure projects, bailing out banks, helicopter money)
8. Don't seem like a wise move
9. Yes, the government will buy up toxic assets
10 sort of, although the people in charge genuine believe they make a better world
11There are plenty of countries in the world that have had inflation for decades but are still (somewhat) standing look at those.
12 it hasn't lost it status, look at graphs. There is a long way to go before that happens. Every country still needs the USA especially China.
13 hard to give advice, when we will get a few more years with 10% inflation than you can better buy a home now since wages will rise (and allowing people to lend more).
14 buy stocks in real companies that produce products or companies that benefit from the coming AI revolution, hedge with gold and silver .

Also next time if you want a thread don't start with posting 14 questions where each of them deserve a own thread.

>> No.54735502 [View]
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Boomers will ban construction of new homes to see us remain thier serfs.

>> No.54702479 [View]
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The thing you retards are missing is that even when they increase productivity 10% you can get rid of 10% of the engineers.

GitHub copilot in combination with a smart junior can easily beat a medior that don't have the tool.

The best programmers or the one with the shittiest job conditions (standby fixing bugs, technical maintenance) will keep their job. All the job between will be ogre.

>> No.54699749 [View]
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feels like the whole market takes a turn lower, nasdaq, s&p, gold, oil

i feel like shorting but im not good at timing and gould lose my cash that i would slurp with

>> No.54693885 [View]
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>> No.54611817 [View]
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printing money puts money into the system, taxes take money out of the system
You are robbed at both ends

>> No.54583700 [View]
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See >>54583660. Risk will spike in June and then peak the first half of August.

>> No.54557164 [View]
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This is true. I make $110k but feel more broke than when I made $85k four years ago. 6% inflation my ass

>> No.54545322 [View]
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>> No.54356831 [View]
File: 176 KB, 515x600, ED4689E6-1D3E-4660-9E45-301E357AB416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have made an assload.

I shorted a little more than 1k worth. I feel like a fool. It happened so fast and I could have actually made life changing money if I hadn’t have waited.

Gains are gains but damn.

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