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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58611087 [View]
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buy the dip is a concept that only works if you're guaranteed a pump afterwards, you're basically just buying a discounted token, this only works on certain bluechips (btc, since eth isnt guaranteed anynmore) alts (solana) and its rare on shitcoins but can happen (hottie) so yeah, if you're not certain then just dont buy

>> No.58512729 [View]
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According to flur.ai and the calculations i've been running and testing you have a 96% of making it just with that grindset alone, good job moonman, you're going places

>> No.58480410 [View]
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nah we're still having opportunities to grow op, just look at the pajamas situation, a bunch of tokenless retards just banded together and made the nastiest token known to man, they somehow got the endorsement of both the co founder of youtube and the one from twitch and now thanks to the cat meta it's becoming the next apu, just from a bunch of retards like you wanting to make it
if that's not peak schizofrenic behavior that could make you crazy i dont know what is

>> No.57798925 [View]
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My man

>> No.56617580 [View]
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I bought. I've bought everything. From KASPA to HUSBANT. Im completely priced in on anything you could possibly shill me.
POJAK? bought. LINK? Bought. Shill me anything you want because these bags aren't going down, JUST UP

>> No.55515516 [View]
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>> No.54987734 [View]
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DW anon, we're going back to pre 2017 era shilling after today. Stealth launches are coming back and there's going to be a big number mooning to bury all the shitcoins that have been launching lately, pay attention and lurk because the fiesta is on

>> No.54774289 [View]
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It means im unironically going to quit my job for fucking good and fully invest in 0x0 to farm ETH

>> No.54715684 [View]
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Think about this kiddo, LINK + CHEQD. A future where oracle multichains can ensure the security of the users.
The possibilities are endless

>> No.54660417 [View]
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You put that money into metamask or your wallet of preference, you go to dextools, check the weekly gainers tab and start massively buying all the gems there. With some simple scalping, a little bit of attention and patience you will be the proud owner of 100k in less than you think

>> No.54348685 [View]
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>> No.50605912 [View]
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Based, i will invest everything i have in $CHAMP, buy ubisoft, close Overwatch 1 and 2 and then crash the company
based or what

>> No.50457709 [View]
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It's the second coming of NFTs, a lot of previously renowned devs just up and started working on gamefi. Just look at the ubisoft devs working on ultimate champions (champ) or the bethesda character designer supervisor making an axies copy lmao
the market is recovering

>> No.50388140 [View]
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>I am, with all my errors, vastly superior than the rest of the humans
based and racepílled. Have some QOM, you earned it

>> No.50246452 [View]
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Time to stake on lovelace, this is indeed good for the blockchain

>> No.50216260 [View]
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>cere network

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