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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.25148547 [View]
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Merry Christmas autistic faggots

>> No.25121564 [DELETED]  [View]
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the only reason i want to make it is to have sex for the first time

>> No.25101784 [View]
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we got too cocky XRP schizos

>> No.24887239 [View]
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Above: fuck you stack
below: village stack

>> No.24879008 [View]
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Should I take a loan that takes me 1 year to pay it in order to buy crypto now?

>> No.24835522 [View]
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I dont agree with your post.

>> Lets open a dispute in Kleros sir

>> No.24831268 [DELETED]  [View]
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none of you are real my mind is playing tricks on me again

>> No.24812638 [DELETED]  [View]
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I am shocked by the astronomical level of COVID denialism on this board. I work the ER in 3 different hospitals. It's not a fucking hoax. People are dying, and we are nearing capacity.
I thought it might be beneficial to brainstorm ideas on how to get these idiots off the streets. If we don't, they will eventually kill us all.
I don't mind if individuals choose to not wear a mask at home, but no parent has the right to be so reckless with their child's life.
I'm going to get a group of doctors & lawyers together so we can brainstorm ideas. We'll write a report, and ultimately present our recommendations the governor.
Some ideas:
1. Vehicle checkpoints--like a DUI checkpoint, except to check for masks. If an adult isn't wearing a mask, they get a $1,000 fine. Any kids in the car will be removed & put in foster care.
2. Teachers ask kids if their parents wear a mask. If not, they get a fine & lose custody of their kids.
3. Use contact tracing to bring murder charges against non-maskers. That is, if a person dies from COVID, we see who the person has spent time around & charge any deniers with murder.
4. Make online denialism a felony. Anyone who encourages others to not wear a mask can be fined, imprisoned, and lose custody of their kids.
5. Receipt rule - Anyone who can't produce a receipt for a facemask purchase will not be admitted to any hospital. I hate to do this, but space is limited, and if we have to exclude someone, it should be the deniers.
I think this is a good start.
Thoughts? Any other ideas?

>> No.24761393 [DELETED]  [View]
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when will we have life like sex robots?

>> No.24760237 [View]
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Mt Gox was very dominant in the past, but the volume is not close to what it is traded now in binance for example. Institution have way more impact than some hippies & autists that decided to put money in a “magical digital coin” (back on that time mindset)

>> No.24661200 [View]
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So this is biz.

As an active member of the crypto community on both twitter and reddit I've heard about this site several times before but have never visited until now. I won't ever be coming back, either.

The very first thread I clicked on had blatant displays of transphobia, outright attacking trans women. Daily reminder for you assholes out there that trans women are no different from any other woman and they deserve your full respect. I was horrified, but thought maybe it was just a few bad apples. So I kept browsing.

Next I saw a thread where the poster simply said "N". Curious, I clicked to check it out. Imagine my horror when I realized they were spelling a word I wouldn't dare repeat as a white person. You people are racist too? F*ck you.

Even after this I was still willing to believe there was some good on biz. I've been interested in precious metals for a while so I was excited when I saw a precious metals post. That excitement quickly faded when I saw not just one but multiple antisemitic posts. As a jewish man I find it hard to believe people like you even still exist. Over 6 million of my people were killed and that's funny to you? What the f*ck.

In a way it was eye opening to see just how much hate still exists in the world. Trust me, I won't ever be coming back here anymore. All I can say is f*ck all of you. If you need me I'll be back on reddit and twitter, both of which are accepting to everyone.

>> No.24620060 [View]
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but why

>> No.24609888 [View]
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i only buy stocks that have a male CEO

>> No.24391516 [View]
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what do NEETs do all day?

>> No.24365747 [View]
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I fell for the BRAP memes and sniffed a girls butthole about a month ago and it smelled so terrible I think I'm gay now.
I guess I didn't expect it to be so soul-crushingly abhorrent. In the days afterwards it was all I could think about when talking to her, and I ended up distancing myself as fast as possible and I'm pretty sure she knows why. I honestly haven't had any interest in her or any other women since it happened.
I feel like a meme killed my sex drive and I don't know what to do.

>> No.24354082 [View]
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I made this pepe

>> No.24352185 [View]
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I hate all of you

>> No.24349591 [View]
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I just dumped my stacks on the sleeping burgerinos

>> No.24323267 [View]
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I lost 40k yesterday

>> No.24312982 [View]
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why haven't you converted to judaism yet /biz/?
>instantly connected to highest levels of media finance and government, can get any cushy high paying job you want solely for your religion
>know what to put your money into next because it's all rigged by (((them)))
>know what'll happen next in the world because they plan it all out themselves, can position yourself ahead of it
the real redpill is that you'll never make it if you don't join the superior religion

>> No.24277953 [View]
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>buy shares of a promising company
>realize company CEO is a wom*n
>immediately dump shares
who else based here?

>> No.23933783 [View]
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we need flags on this board

>> No.23345667 [View]
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This is in North Portland, Lombard, behind the Green Zebra, tonight, 4:30 p.m.
I walked the ten or twelve blocks or so from my house to the Drop Box. Along the way on Lombard I joined a group and was increasingly joined by more people that turned out to be headed for the drop box. There were a couple dozen of us by the end. Masked, we said nothing. Grim determination.
We turned to go behind the Zebra and there were more of us there, one after another, or in pairs, putting ballots in the big tan metal box with a kind of subdued fury. There was the occasional "Thank you." Sometimes there was, for an older person, spontaneous clapping. There was this undercurrent of goddamn joy and my eyes were wet. Everyone is wearing a mask.
There were children accompanying some of us, there were different ethnicities, but I've never seen a sacrament like this one before.
We nodded as we headed out our separate ways. I realized that I had been waiting four fucking years to exhale.

>> No.23335289 [View]
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>be me
>make an investment, putting all of my money at risk
>if the investment goes the wrong way ill never see the money again, have nobody to blame but myself
>if the investment somehow goes the right way and i make money, the government is suddenly entitled for a cut of the profits despite doing nothing and putting none of their money at risk
how is the the capital gains tax not a scam? and politicians still want to raise it?

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