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>> No.58997369 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1712948554608987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a sight to wake up to. The cult taking a MASSIVE blow to their fake partnerships and then the utter desperation of trying to win semantics arguments

Go back to debate club pussy

Price is all the matters

Catfishy drinks shit for breakfast lunch AND dinner

THE Cuckolds of crypto lol

>> No.58997344 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it's over for this scam
honestly fuck chainshit, fuck sirgay and fuck cll employees who have been astroturfing /biz/ since 2017
whole board would have made it years ago if the chainshit psyop never happened

>> No.58993386 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire market pumping
>chainshit dumping

kekekekekekek loooollll lmao BAGGIES

>> No.58988019 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your arse stinker BITCH
we're not buying your bags
kek baggie

>> No.58987682 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah at least you're not a stinker
>7 years of crabbing with no end in sight

kek baggies

>> No.58987555 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2050…

Sp500 is 50,000
Btc is $575,000
Link is $10

CCIP testing has finally concluded, and has moved into initial deployment for selected users

Chainlink Labs’ second funding token, Link+, is almost fully distributed, leaving questions of how the company will afford a payroll of 10,000 remote workers going forward.

Zach rynes, now at 750 pounds, lays in his hospital bed. He has an AI device hooked up his twitter so he doesnt have to move. His first post to start the day:

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude if you want quick gains just go buy every other asset in existence

Catfishfishy immediately likes the post, then rushes over to change zachs bedpan. In an unexpected move, fishy chugs the contents of the pan, proving once and for all, he loves the taste of shit

>> No.58985849 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your arse stinker BITCH
we're not buying your bags
kek baggie

>> No.58982556 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1710205797815713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologise for being a filthy stinker you fucking baggies.
Apologise for shitting up the board for 7 years with your scam.
Apologise for ruining the last bullrun for unsuspecting newfriends.
Apologise and your karmic debt will be repaid, maybe you'll even manage to make it in the upcoming bullrun (not with stink of course).

>> No.58981026 [View]
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look at the baggies lashing out when confronted with the truth

very true and based point OP, I would like to add that there's always a new carrot on a stick every few months/years that sirgay dangles in front of them, which they grab and proceed to shill as the next big thing that will FINALLY save chainshit:
>Proof of Reserves
All of them turned out to be massive flops. Watch sirgay pivot to something AI related next and the baggies will lap it up lmao

>> No.58980430 [View]
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chainshit baggies smell
they are also gay and have tiny dicks
and their shitcoin can't pump
hahahah get fucked chainshit BAGGIES

>> No.58960124 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1712948554608987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next year, once it's clear that chainshit has missed the bullrun I'll keep reminding you daily that you spent 2024 claiming that paid Nigerian fudders are keeping chainlink down.

Hope you're ready boyscout, now keep holding those bags so Sirgay can dump on your head!

>> No.58923129 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1714494667517666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token not needed. Sticking your head in the sand won't change the reality of you being down -90%.
Kek baggies

>> No.58920645 [View]
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neck yourself advocate
chainshit is going to zero and sirgay is a scamming fat fuck

>> No.58918217 [View]
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the scam is unravelling in real time
wouldn't be surprised if chainshit ends up being the only alt to not pump in the upcoming bullrun but rather dump to 0 as chainlink labs gets exposed
would be the perfect ending to this shitshow and /biz/ will finally be able to focus on making money again instead of being a paypig and simping for a fat russian scammer

>> No.58861133 [View]
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>> No.58853798 [View]
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>> No.58754469 [View]
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2180 sats kekbaggies. Held the bag for 7 years for no gains award

>> No.58753672 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1719745864047188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for the tiny limp candle linkclittycel meltdown

>> No.58703554 [View]
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>This thread

>> No.58677641 [View]
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fucking gay faggots

>> No.58673486 [View]
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>> No.58380361 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.58209517 [View]
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>The cuckolds or something

>> No.58189770 [View]
File: 320 KB, 956x1900, 1711549369947358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink won in the following categories:
>The worst performing coin
>The most deluded bagholders
>The most broken promises by dev team
>The hardest token dump by CEO
>The longest time spend crabbing
Congratulations to all LINKbagholders! You are truly THE cuckolds of crypto

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