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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55125266 [View]
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Oh, the markets, they might tumble and roll,
With news from the east, and the west, and the pole.
From Ukraine and Russia, drones fill the sky,
And the world watches on with a wary eye.

Trade levels are low, near crisis we've seen,
Pulled down by the war, and a virus so mean.
Banks may hike rates, to curtail the rise,
Of inflation that's proven a thorny surprise.

Emerging markets too, must keep rates in line,
Till inflation is tamed, and the stars realign.
Defaults are up, in the developing land,
Wall Street watches, with a nervous hand.

In the US, the cap on spending draws near,
With interest rates high, recession could appear.
In the North, where the maple leaf grows,
Banks brace for loss, as real estate woes.

The Bank of England, ready to intervene,
If chaos continues to roil the serene.
France talks of debt, its rating in sight,
While Turkey's lira sinks into the night.

So hold onto your hats, for the ride could be rough,
The road ahead looks quite tough.
But remember, dear friend, as we peer through the fog,
The market's a bit like a corkscrewing cog.

It turns and it twists, it rises and falls,
It reacts to the news, the big and the small.
So watch with care, and keep your wits,
As we navigate through these market fits.

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