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>> No.57704635 [View]
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>> No.57565093 [View]
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What's the point of the AI spambot that responds with chatGPT generated nonsense and the AI generated pepe pictures?

I don't get it. What's its purpose? Why do some anons respond to it sincerely?

>> No.57490568 [View]
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Does anyone here have a special YT account that does certain things?

I have a channel with 1 million subs that's demonetized but still pulls good traffic and I was offered to find a solution this way, but I don't want to get scammed. He would get a 30% cut.

If he pays someone to wire me the money inside my "normal area of business" (not a tax haven) and I pay taxes normally, but he lives in some tax haven but claims to run his business clean, is this a problem? I don't want to end up in some money laundering scheme.

>> No.57471713 [View]
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>rates going down is bullish

>> No.57325439 [View]
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Why teh fuck would they crash the markets on Biden reelection year?

>> No.57317094 [View]
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>tfw feel retarded at the thought of buying it
>tfw feel retarded at the thought of not buying it

>> No.57226511 [View]
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I have a demonetized channel that would be pulling around 10k a month with current views, but YouTube refuses to tell me what the fuck the contents are that caused this demonetization. They accuse you of some awful thing but do not tell you what it is. Meanwhile they continue to profit from my content. I don't care if they run ads or not, the traffic goes into other monetized contents. Also there are ads sometimes on the videos if some retard copyclaims them. YT claims no one makes money in this situation but they probably lie. This is so fucking annoying, but nothing I can do.

My question is, Why the fuck there is not a business that consists on paying some internal employees that would tell you the problem? I would pay like 10k to anyone that can get the exact internal data on my channel so I can actually fix it, reapply and start monetizing again instead of blindly deleting videos. They claim they don't tell you what it is to not give "editorial advice" but this is bullshit because if you are famous and call them out, they will tell you what the problem is and get you monetized again. This is an example:


And this guy managed to monetize again only because he had a contact inside YT:


This is so fucked up. If you don't have contacts in this world, you are fucked. And I cannot find anywhere who would help here. I cannot afford deleting videos when maybe some disclaimer would have been what was needed. If I delete the 4 or 5 videos that pull most of the traffic the channel is done for. The videos are 100% my own so its not a reused content problem.

I cannot monetize elsewhere, it has to be AdSense. Patreons, merch etc, don't work. If you try to send your traffic to another channel under your control they'll ban your ass. If you try to create another AdSense account and get found out they'll ban your ass as well.

Making money online was the best feeling ever, fml.

>> No.56494147 [View]
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Does anyone here make money on youtube?

I've been suicidal since they demonetized my channel. It's the only way I've ever made any money.

Now im not even sure if I can start from scratch, since they apparently demonetize new channels if your channel is already demonetized and I cannot monetize it again since I would probably need to delete all of my video which still bring traffic.

There's no other ways to make money but ad revenue at least on this niche (faceless channel) so im fucked.

>> No.55927856 [View]
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a 13 year old could do that job retard

>> No.55380186 [View]
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>I was letting foreign and random dudes cum inside me for the last 10 years but now I'm ready to pretend to settle down (I can't really settle down because I've ruined my pair bonding ability due to sleeping around)

why do women do this?

>> No.55231696 [View]
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Linkies that fud are mentally deranged, imagine fudding your own investment since 2018 then being surprised when it never pumps.

Hey fuddies, you basically helped the financial institutions by allowing them to get in cheap so congrats on this seriously

>> No.53442787 [View]
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Tell me why I should invest in crypto instead of a high yield savings account

>> No.53437731 [View]
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Yeah everybody knows bobos love pumps. That's not like the total opposite of what bobos want or anything.

>> No.53318094 [View]
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>he celebrates MLK day

>> No.53135746 [View]
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>you thought the fed would cut rates in 2023
>inflation running double digits
>fiscal policy takes about a year to even take effect
>OPEC refilling strategic oil reserves
The very best, most bullish hope was that they would PAUSE rate hikes, not cut rates. That won't happen for years.
Wtf are you going on about? Rate cuts in the middle of a recession that hasn't even been formally declared yet? Get real.

>> No.53131891 [View]
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get the fuck off this board faggot

>> No.52525589 [View]
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>I hate not being a Chad that can fuck girls like webm

>> No.52509951 [View]
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Women are hilariously overrated, anon
If you're doing all this for a girl, don't be too devastated when you find out

>> No.52393170 [View]
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Alright fine, all the leaders of the global financial elite ponzi scheme and the debt slavery machine are not Jewish then. I guess they can be...i dunno, Jamaican truckers. Whatever. Are you happy now? (They're still jews even if you don't like it).

>> No.51092993 [View]
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>150% down

>> No.50966537 [View]
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so the BAT SDK is off the table, I've already seen people try to gaslight with shit like "that was never promised" or that a SDK wasn't important or anything lol, but I think the fact that it was kind of promised or at least heavily hinted at and now it's just not happening - these sorts of things (also the horrible price action of BAT) show that Brave is trying to reel everyone in and lower expectations, sort of bring everyone back down to Earth

that's good in a way but heavily demoralizing, it just seems more and more like this was the project that could've would've should've, but it's not going to do anything major or groundbreaking. BAT utility seems to be sidelined while they focus on Brave. Very disappointing. Anyone have another perspective on this? I think the original vision for BAT is slowly (very slowly) fading away and they're trying to temper expectations for the token

>> No.50149902 [View]
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Get a job, stop looking for handouts

>> No.49429501 [View]
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>he doesn’t know

You had 6 months to accumulate

>> No.30048549 [View]
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those earnings were good, all the things that actually matter for a growth company were there, people are retarded.

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