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>> No.29246144 [View]
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They are setting retarted node minimums like 2mbps internet, they will be just fine with block increases. It could 10x block size right now with a snap and everything would hum along fine.
Don't be a raspberry pi node maxi.

>> No.27778168 [View]
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What does Kek mean by that?

>> No.26129176 [View]
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at a certain point the jackpot becomes large enough that the value of the ticket exceeds the purchase price

>> No.25485574 [View]
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I just ran the numbers Anon.
This does not seem like it was a great trade.

>> No.25476368 [View]
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Honestly i only need to turn a 200 dollar profit and i'll be happy, waiting for this huge "moon" seems like it'll never happen, i'd love to be wrong of course.

>> No.23463743 [View]
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>select all niggers
>one nigger panel
>click nigger
>nigger slowly fades away
>nigger comes back
>click nigger
>nigger slowly fades away
>nigger comes back
>click nigger
>nigger slowly fades away
>nigger comes back
>click nigger
>slowly slowly fades away
>nigger comes back

>> No.22836114 [View]
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Hacker doesn't need to do shit, looks like he cashed out some tether quickly cause he knew that could get burned and now he can sit on this as they are his.
Honestly if I were him I would wait for more liquidity on Uniswap, whales will be flocking to provide liquidity to get cheap tokens when they stop being retards and understand how uniswap works.

They know this dude will eat like 75% losses to slippage and not give a fuck, so they will def stake on Uni eventually.

>> No.22827810 [View]
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Back in the day dex's had shit liquidity. But now this hacker can convert all these coins on Uniswap to consolidate and cash out.
He will use any money there to sell into as he does not give a shit about dumping prices.

>> No.22470438 [View]
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Not relevant, I am not shilling shit. More looking for seasoned uniswap degens to chime in.
Is it really as easy as looking at the top pumps early in the day and hopping on the bandwagon?
I have some solidity background so I know how to spot rugs. Is that really the bar we have set now? As long as it is not a total scam with locked liquidity this staking model just pumps completely worthless tokens as long as they are moving up people pile on?
This is way different from the bear market standards I am used to.

>> No.22271864 [View]
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>retweeted band and sushi shit
>band shilled it
>band and sushi are used to farm
chink scam

>> No.22027166 [View]
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Alt season in about 24 days according to my calculations , should last 45 days this time. Possibly into late December if buy pressure builds to bubble levels.

>> No.21436960 [View]
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We know they have paid shills and just general bagholders. I have zero life so I have begun to actually read every post in these threads. Of course there is no quality content to speak of, but that does not disqualify a shitcoin here. People can still meme about trash and downright scams.
The problem as I see it is two fold.
They are not used to constantly being made fun of and having their opinions questioned due to other social media being a safe space of likes and group think.
They try to adapt shit they read here into their responses and it is utterly disingenuous. It rubs so against the grain and sticks out like a sore thumb. Basic shit like using cope incorrectly or putting faggot in random places.
I don't want you to think you should go and scour a Ripple thread, but if you are scrolling it is an interesting phenomenon.
This thread serves no purpose, I just needed to write this.

>> No.21414964 [View]
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The worst part is that it takes central planning to a whole new level.
>here take this money goy, but you have to spend it before next week and only on consoomer goods! and this part here you must spend on businesses owned by blacks. don't even think of owning any assets
It completely changes the entire concept of a "currency" as we have grown to know into allowance good boy points.
They can literally make so that you can't spend that money to buy other crypto.

>> No.21342135 [View]
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Oh my sweet fuck

>> No.21281040 [View]
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Oh my sweet fuck

>> No.21123111 [View]
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Yeah but it can go up more than it comes down for a large period of time then you get liquidated like the faggot you are

>> No.21083034 [View]
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They get liquidated at exactly $11.38

>> No.21012719 [View]
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I want to scrape more data sources like Twitter and YouTube.
The point is to be a spammy live feed of what is going on.
When Link pumped today it lit up like a Christmas tree and I got a huge erection seeing all the quality shitposting and Simeon justed memes.

>> No.20869773 [View]
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Daddy shitcoin is making moves, all arb bots sell to BTC when this happens then daddy crabs and arb bots dump back into alts.
It is like a programed garunteed 3% gain.

>> No.20807242 [View]
File: 44 KB, 498x573, 19523141214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it goes up and you get 80X on your principal?

>> No.20773321 [View]
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Why have pinkies not set up a betting market for this yet?

>> No.20676537 [View]
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Is there any other purpose for BTC than to be used as a utility token for exchanges to cash in on fees and margin trading, while regularly liquidating longs and shorts with scam wicks to get most traders rekt?
I mean, it's slow and clunky. Doesn't connect with the rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem. has no interesting developments on the roadmap coming for the future. Less and less devs every day, most of whom are moving to work on their own projects.
Is there any real point to it other than just being a brand name? I understand that the price can go up anyway, but what's the utility for it? I don't see it. Is BTC still gonna be king in a few years and if so why?
Am I wrong? Someone please educate me on this.

>> No.20620456 [View]
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Link will likely moon, we all know that. But ETH 2.0 is a sure thing.
I have been running a validator on test net since May and am a semi active solidity dev.
August 4th is big, I honestly cannot believe the amount of restraint the team is showing at this point. The testnet just works, there have been zero major issues and it completely solves the scaling issue.
Now what this means in the dev space is most of the off chain shit will move back on chain as you can run massive contracts for pennies now.
From the financial perspective I think the team is being way too cautious with timelines almost everyone working with smart contracts has massive contracts with many imports running on Ropsten or Kovan that they cannot afford to run on main net with current gas costs. There is like 2 years of backlogged code waiting for eth 2.0 to be deployed and most of it is pretty amazing web 3.0 shit not just ponzi token transfers.
There is not going to be a long drawn out transition period or holdouts on eth 1.0 outside of abandoned code. Literally everyone in this space is at the edge of their seats waiting to cut their projects over, the financial incentives are massive along with the new compute scale.
For brainlets , imagine you have a single 486 computer running all Ethereum compute right now with eth 1.0, 2.0 upgrades that to like an entire AWS data center region. That is how big this jump is.

Get your 32 eth anons, running a validator in its final form will likely just be a single docker command and you will make massive passive bank and unironically generational wealth.

>> No.20612799 [View]
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This is true. Link is just a trusted third party and is likely to continue being one for the foreseeable future.
Actual decentralization of oracles is is still too hard and hasn't been solved.
None of this matters though. Utility of token not needed. Price will still go up. because of the hype.

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