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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.11998013 [View]
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side note because it's clear you're a cross-site shitter and i've gotten you on my hook. I'm not a /pol/tard I just knew you'd go for the "you're so sad" self projection route.
What is your divine being? A book written by a slav? Some dead men? Try doing something for yourself for once.
And thank fuck I'm not feminine enough to need a name and identity attached to everything I do.
Please don't ever associate me with monkey science man. I'm just words on a forum my dude. I'm nobody.

But this behavior doesn't surprise me anymore, clearnet is a shithole. But of course. The free market didn't exist until the 400 years ago (lmfao the fucking brainwashing on this unit). Even I am capable of thinking for myself, but it doesn't really seem like you are if you genuinely take that rhetoric as truth.
no shit it's a tripfag. A communist has to prop himself up above the common man. Hypocrite.
But you ever wondered why anonymous free forums always turn right wing? and left leaning views with e-celebs require censorship and oppression to persist? odd coincidence huh.

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