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>> No.5744687 [View]
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Thank you, rational anon. May your bags bring you riches, beautiful women and many children.

>> No.5744495 [View]
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I believe that it will eventually be $500-$1000 per XRP.

>> No.5737456 [View]
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XRP is a coin designed by and for billionaires and trillionaires.


$90 Trillion - global paper and electronic money
$70 Trillion - global stock markets
$215 Trillion - global debt
$215 Trillion - global real estate

Asumming a supply of 100 billion coins, if 1% of these assets moves into XRP, that's a $5.9 Trillion market cap, or $59 per coin. For XRP to hit $1000, 17% of global wealth needs to move into XRP. If the circulating supply of XRP is kept at the current level of 38 billion, only 6.5% of global wealth needs to move into XRP.

Ripple is an inside job. Ripple is owned by the same people who own the central banks. Ripple is owned by the billionaires and trillionaires. XRP is a crypto designed specifically to meet the needs of the billionaires and trillionaires. They will use XRP as their vehicle to reset the global financial system. Those 55 Billion XRP locked up in escrow may or may not be released into the economy. It doesn't even matter. My opinion is that when they pump up the market cap of XRP to $50 Trillion the company Ripple will "donate" those 55 Billion XRP to the IMF, or BIS or some new ultimate central bank, and they will use that reserve of XRP to manage the global economy for the next 80-100 years. Then they will eventually abandon it in favor of something else.

>> No.5735660 [View]
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XRP is a coin designed by and for billionaires and trillionaires.


$90 Trillion - global paper and electronic money
$70 Trillion - global stock markets
$215 Trillion - global debt
$215 Trillion - global real estate

Asumming a supply of 100 billion coins, if 1% of these assets moves into XRP, that's a $5.9 Trillion market cap, or $59 per coin. For XRP to hit $1000, 17% of global wealth needs to move into XRP. If the circulating supply of XRP is kept at the current level of 38 billion, only 6.5% of global wealth needs to move into XRP.

Ripple is an inside job. Ripple is owned by the same people who own the central banks. Ripple may never release all 100 billion coins into the market. At some point they may "donate" tens of billions of coins to various central banks and then the central banks will use small portions of those reserves to intervene in the markets every few years. They could use XRP as the new global reserve currency for the next 80-100 years until the supply runs out. Then they abandon it in favor of something else.

>> No.5730359 [View]
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>Do you think investing in XRP is a good deal or are you trolling rn?

Both. XRP is my only crypto and I am HODLing until it is the new global reserve currency. Probably around $50 Trillion market cap.

And I'm trolling all the people who say that Ripple is a totalitarian globalist scheme. It is a totalitarian globalist scheme. And it's going to happen regardless of what the thousandaires do. So the thousandaires need to pick their battles. Load up your bags with XRP, and become a millionaire.

>> No.5730133 [View]
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>> No.5728445 [View]
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I said that because alot of people think that Ripple is just some private company that is competing with all the other cryptos, and at the end of the day, the best crypto will win on its technological merits. No. Ripple is owned and operated by the central banks and it is designed to eventually be the global reserve crypto. That's why I believe it will eventually have a $50 Trillion market cap.

>> No.5726584 [View]
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There are already at least 2 cases of a single XRP transaction for more than $900 million dollars. Settled in 4 seconds for 1/100th of a penny. There are no "whales" doing that kind of business in BTC or ETH. XRP is where the true whales are, because XRP was designed by and for the billionaires and trillionaires.

Ripple has been quietly selling and giving away XRP behind the scenes for years. They sell it or give it to large corporations and investors. They don't want to influence the price on the exchanges. They want to help each other get into position before they run XRP up to a $50+ Trillion market market cap.

>> No.5725657 [View]
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Just like with the current paper and electronic currency that people use every day and has a gobal market cap of $90 Trillion. Limited supply is a selling point, but ultimately it doesn't matter. What matters is the network of users who trade goods and services for a given currency. IF/WHEN the banks and fortune 500 companies announce that they are doing business in XRP, you will see $Trillions flow into it immediately. It will go nuclear.

>> No.5725465 [View]
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The banks don't want to collect all of your precious BTC and ETHemon. They don't want your 7 transactions per second, 15 minute block times, and $30 fees. They want you to use a currency that they issue and track. They want to issue it, so they can inflate it and give it to their friends first. And they want to track it so that they can assess sales and income taxes.

There is no "SCARCE" or rare cryptocurrency. It doesn't matter if it only has 16 million units or 16 trillion, especially since they are all divisible by 8 decimals. All that matters is that as many people as possible are willing to trade goods and services for said currency.

XRP is the bank, billionaire, trillionaire, fortune 500, government cryptocurrency. In their mercy for the thousandaires, they've been telegraphing this for a very long time. The market cap of all global paper and electronic currency is about $90 Trillion. If major retailers, such as Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc announce that they will sell products for XRP, market adoption will be very fast and Trillions of dollars will flow into XRP.

Another retarded part of this theory is the claim that the banks want to hoard all the BTC and ETH so they can use it to buy into new ICO's. That would simply result in the banks dis-hoarding their BTC and ETH and releasing it back into the marketplace and they would then be holding bags of various shitcoins.

To summarize this absolutely idiotic theory:
> 1) Banks create Ripple (I agree with only this part)
> 2) Banks trick the market into trading BTC and ETH for XRP, so the banks can hodl the precious BTC and ETH
> 3) Banks then trade the BTC and ETH for shitcoin ICOs.
> 4) ...
> 5) Profit?

>> No.5724233 [View]
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It's not too late for XRP. This is only the beginning. XRP is going to go nuclear.

XRP is a coin designed by and for billionaires and trillionaires.


$90 Trillion - global paper and electronic money
$70 Trillion - global stock markets
$215 Trillion - global debt
$215 Trillion - global real estate

Asumming a supply of 100 billion coins, if 1% of these assets moves into XRP, that's a $5.9 Trillion market cap, or $59 per coin. For XRP to hit $1000, 17% of global wealth needs to move into XRP. If the circulating supply of XRP is kept at the current level of 38 billion, only 6.5% of global wealth needs to move into XRP.

Ripple is an inside job. Ripple is owned by the same people who own the central banks. Ripple may never release all 100 billion coins into the market. At some point they may "donate" tens of billions of coins to various central banks and then the central banks will use small portions of those reserves to intervene in the markets every few years. They could use XRP as the new global reserve currency for the next 80-100 years until the supply runs out. Then they abandon it in favor of something else.

>> No.5723349 [View]
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Bitcoin is not fast and cheap like it was originally intended, and it cannot scale. It's technology is first-generation, proof of concept. Proof of work is slow and wasteful of energy. Proof of stake encourages coin hoarding instead of spending. Ripple is the future.

>> No.5722861 [View]
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Ripple is an inside job. Ripple is owned by the same people who own the central banks.

>> No.5715267 [View]
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One exchange vs 150 banks.

Maybe you think that a currency with better properties can win simply on its technical merits? No. The currency with more users exchanging goods and services will win, regardless of its technical merits. Although having good technical merits will certainly help. Why hasn't Raiblocks or one of the other lightning fast, scalable cryptos already beaten BTC? Simply because people still want to trade goods and services for BTC, even if it is slow and expensive. If major, fortune 500 companies announce support for XRP it will result in rapid market adoption because of all the customers, goods and services represented by fortune 500 companies.

Look at it this way. A few car dealerships have already announced that they will sell cars for BTC. Compare that to Ford, or GM, or VW announcing that they will sell any and all of their cars for XRP. A local coffee shop accepting BTC, compared to Starbucks accepting XRP. A corner grocery store accepting BTC compared to Costco accepting XRP. Do you see that the scale of customers, goods and services is totally different?

>> No.5714593 [View]
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Lots of cryptos can make fast transactions with 1,000+ TPS. Tomorrow, an even better crypto could be created. The technology is not what people are buying. People are buying the network of users. Ripple has been working with the banks and fortune 500 corporations from the beginning because if they can get the richest people and corporations in the world to use their currency, the rest of the world will follow.

Other cryptos are targeting the thousandaires. Thousandaires control only a small percentage of the world's goods and services. Therefore, any currency used exclusively by the thousandaires gives access to a small percentage of the world's goods and services.

The users are more valuable than the technology. Ripple is creating a currency for the billionaires and trillionaires. The thousandaires will eventually use whatever currency the billionaires and trillionaires use, just like how we all use worthless federal reserve notes, and even measure our crypto gains in FRNs.

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