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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58081879 [View]
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balding currycel here,
i know its over the day i was born, its a tough pill to swallow, forget about getting laid. just make money & play vidya.

>> No.49553895 [View]
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well first lets discuss how we define
how do you define it?

>> No.28169992 [View]
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This is the only truth you need to realize.

>> No.25516742 [View]
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Have you tried being attractive?

>> No.24558884 [View]
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>just stop touching your peepee

>> No.24539969 [View]
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It's all a zero sum game. Either you get the girl or you don't.

>> No.22935461 [View]
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If he's wrong, why does your life suck?

>> No.22770328 [View]
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Looks like you'll be dying ugly and alone.

>> No.22374242 [View]
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>YOU asked for advice
Show me where you illiterate faggot. I don't ask for advice from illiterate ugly losers.

>> No.22223100 [View]
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How come not touching your sm0l dick didn't work for you?

>> No.20714485 [View]
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>you think people are just born perfect from the get go?
That's the way it's always been.

>> No.20540157 [View]
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Except normal people don't need to make changes.

>> No.19725062 [View]
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Just take a bunch of cold showers, refrain from touching your penis for months on end, consume pounds of broccoli, for for a 5 mile run every day, and meditate.

You know, just like all your teenage peers did when they were getting laid in high school. They didn’t go home after school and play call of duty, they were reading “How to Make Friends and Influence People” in order to learn how to get laid.

>> No.19541246 [View]
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>just don't touch your peepee bro

>> No.19498241 [View]
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How come that didn't work for you?

>> No.19236212 [View]
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>making it seem like they're worse when it's easier for them to have life satisfaction
it's not better or worse if you're a weirdo you have more motivation to achieve more remarkable things but less of chance of ever feeling content

>> No.19081114 [View]
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Is this the truth?

Will it even matter if we make it?

>> No.17400366 [View]
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>tfw work in finance
>tfw it’s an open secret that the central bank along with investment banks and government pump the market artificially to prevent it from crashing the world economy with no survivors
>meanwhile in economist land
>muh free market. muh supply and demand. muh productivity. muh UBI
Why are academics so out of touch /biz/? Everytime I read the economist, WSJ or FT it just amazes just how little journalists and academics know about the real world

>> No.17211383 [View]
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>be attractive
>over 5’9 tall
>be autistically talented at skill you started doing at a young age (i.e. programming)
Anything else is just pure cope and doomed to mediocre wagecucking

>> No.17179402 [View]
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please name some jobs for people with no life? I need a job that will occupy all my time for the next 3 years. I already have no social life so if I can work 24/7 without forced time off then I won’t have to kill myself trying to fit in with normies or have to impress my parents with a regular dating/normal life.

>> No.17061697 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 257 KB, 1056x649, 796437C2-102B-47CB-9CD0-6687E5A0F29E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are soulless, entitled, greedy and too good for men
>uni wants hundreds of thousands for a good career
>working class society is too degenerate, upper class society is too uppity
I dont see myself ever finding a partner. I haven’t talked to one in 2 years. The ones I had a chance with were degenerate and slutty anyway.

>> No.16987529 [View]
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If 90% of businesses fail in the first year, what are the 10% businesses doing better /biz/?

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