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>> No.52895602 [View]
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Glad you enjoyed it friend. Have a blessed weekend.

>> No.27022932 [View]
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pussy bitch

>> No.13431831 [View]
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/biz/ - Business & Finance
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Daily Reminder: I Am a Giant Faggot Anonymous (ID: 5HHq/bnp) 04/25/19(Thu)12:24:15 No.13429393▶>>13429851 >>13431348
Hello, I am the faggot who keeps copy pasting FTM fud. First off, I want to apologize for my rampant homosexuality. Fantom is a god tier project. It's just that all the cocks in my mouth make it hard to see sometimes. I hope you forgive me and should I ever post anything like that again just understand it's my repressed homosexual rage talking.

Your friend,

Pajeet faggot piece of shit
Anonymous (ID: +QxexY9r) 04/25/19(Thu)13:18:48 No.13429797▶>>13429851 >>13431375
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***WARNING: The people behind Fantom are criminals. Do not buy their gook pump and dump scam coin***

Fantom was an ICO scam. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper. They lied about having 300,000 TPS (it will have only a few thousand TPS at mainnet). The gook founder doesn't know how to co

In essence. He is focusing mainly on Fantom etc, he was representing them in London a few days ago.

Faggot fudders BTFO
Anonymous (ID: BZ/rSsDl) 04/25/19(Thu)18:45:06 No.13431384▶>>13431631
Imagine not going all in on this shit.
>>magine fudding this shit to buy at lower prices
Anonymous (ID: Ggrlwn6u) 04/25/19(Thu)20:14:08 No.13431818▶
yeah its like fudding eth at $0.10
why are pajeets not happy with a 4

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