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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59271659 [DELETED]  [View]
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There was a 1-hour window for the airdrop and now I'm salty because the specific 1 hour of the day I'm not on /biz/ is when the airdrop happen. Therefore, I am highly incentivized to fud this token.

>> No.58148276 [View]
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>been here since 2020
>own basically no crpyto

how do i cope? It will come down again soon.

>> No.49452060 [View]
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I've been up 3% every day for the last four days... We're gonna dump today, aren't we?

>> No.30298756 [View]
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>> No.30243867 [View]
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I have been holding 5000 dollars for this moment for a while, Is it time to buy Ethereuim yet?

>> No.29911572 [View]
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Has anyone here ever actually owned a business?

Should i buy a dollar store? Or something easy like a car wash

>> No.29784913 [View]
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I love browsing /biz/ while listening to them

>> No.29571803 [View]
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Tell her that you love her.

>> No.29395661 [View]
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How to i short crytpo with binance or CB pro

>> No.29246026 [View]
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Should poorfags even bother holding eth?

need some poorfag advice. Cant wage forever. I have made a 2x from just holding eth no stress involved but im feeling kind of dumb.....Could have just bought ADA.

>> No.29231894 [View]
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Should i sell this shit and buy some SXP or any other Shitcoin?

>> No.29173472 [View]
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>started with low 3 figures
>4 figure hell
Join me wagies and losers as we converse on how to make it.

Im thinking HBAR or something stupid low cap gem
All i can offord right now is to put around 3k into something.

>> No.29116555 [View]
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I just bought 2 atoms few days ago

>> No.29007466 [View]
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I have 4000 dollars and i just got a job so i will go all in on any coin that gets trips, or the one mentioned the most

>> No.28905323 [View]
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Should I Buy something else ?
Literally, the only thing i hold is ETH

>> No.28828405 [View]
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Im 23 now and have known about crypto since I was literally 12 years old. Silk road shenanigans you know how it goes as a young druggie.

How do I cope with the fact that I never held any BTC and now have to start from scratch? It all seems so hopeless. The fact that nothing will ever be as dominant as Bitcoin.
Anyway, i have around 5k and dont know where to start. do i head over to Uniswap?

TL:DR Advice for someone who has always known, used , and believed in crypto , but has yet to invest heavily.

>> No.28482260 [View]
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Same here don't know why it always happens with me

>> No.28465900 [View]
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If i found this board 5 months ago what would you have been telling me to buy (besides the big 3)

>only found biz 3 months ago and still feel lost and left out , too little capital to commit to any certain shitcoin

>> No.28222682 [View]
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Can someone explain to me how the ETH AVAX bridge, I want to exchange some of my ETH assets to AVAX but I want to know how it works first.

>> No.27625030 [View]
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agreed and thanks, anon.
Also, to anyone willing to help a retard, the ebbs and flows right now are so close to each other, how do you play this to amass multiple small gains? does this question even make sense?

>> No.27293338 [View]
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literally all you need to succeed

>> No.27089085 [View]
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WTF is a mischpocha and how much can we sell it for ?

>> No.26536960 [View]
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>Google "Entry level jobs Bachelors degree"

>Nothing comes up

Did i fall for the boomer scam?

What are the chances Biden bails me out 10k in the next 2-4 years?

I need help/ advice so in return ill help any newfags from memeddit who have questions . Im also poor, but lurked for over 400 hours so far and counting.

>> No.26094270 [View]
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we should have known with the gyspy name

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