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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.22549528 [View]
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>woman awarded 10s of billions of dollars in divorce rape
>bring it up as an example of how fucked up the divorce system has gotten in america
>"uhm, she helped him start amazon. she deserved that money."
>"she worked as a bumfuck accountant for a few years. she didnt deserve tens of billions for that."
>"neither of them deserved it. jeff made his money off of exploiting his workers."
>"how did he exploit them he gives them all benefits and 15 an hour and the fact that they work at amazon alone means that he's given them the best employment opportunity they currently have otherwise they'd leave. he's created a business that now employs a million people and created a trillion dollar company."
>"i dont want to get into this"

why are socialists so fucking retarded bros. how can people honestly look at this woman (mind you, i find her very attractive in her own sort of strange way. you know how some girls are objectively like a 4-6 because they have some type of strange feature that isn't conventionally attractive but it gets you diamonds? thats her face to me) and say she deserved billions and billions of dollars in the divorce because she married bezos and was an accountant for a bit. "helped start it" my fucking ass.

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