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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55969717 [View]
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>The harder you work to escape the system, the more you contribute to it.
>Inflation destroys your savings
>Getting married disqualifies you for the assistance that nigger welfare queens abuse.
>New tax laws can (and will) be created to plunder your Roth IRA.
>You will never be able to use social security despite paying into it for your entire life
>To have anything of value, you have to take out a loan. This loan requires you to work constantly so you can pay it back. If you cant pay your debt, your asset gets seized. Better not say anything risky at work goy, wouldn't want to get fired and lose your house.
>Literal beggars make more a day than you do (after taxes)

>> No.55274090 [View]
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Just go away. Dr. Bobo already told me you aren't real

>> No.54221087 [View]
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I ate too much taco bell yesterday.

>> No.50560611 [View]
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Please be the bottom.

>> No.29158849 [View]
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I did, but not enough.

>tfw missed out on $3k btc

>> No.27745900 [View]
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Fell for the AMC meme, I'm down over 200 dollars today, I had so many opportunities to cash out, so really it wouldn't have been a meme if I cashed out. I got greedy because I didnt see a short squeeze and wanted x5 my shit because every retard was saying hold.

Should've just cashed out at x2 when I had the chance.

>> No.24386743 [View]
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>Anime, video games, alcohol, and porn
What does it say about our society when these are the first four things that you think of?

>> No.24220873 [View]
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i wish

>> No.23828952 [View]
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Life is misery whether you're at work all the time or free all the time. Might as well sell your time and earn a paycheck for your time

>> No.20549006 [View]
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I can't get into this place. Noob poorfag here. I want to become millionaire by next month, how do I go about it? I checked catalog and it's pretty unclear

>> No.19909369 [View]
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Is "making it" (in retirement) a false hope created to ensure that we remain compliant as we wage our lives away?

>> No.18085409 [View]
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where are all the faggots calling bitcoin safe haven?

>> No.18084024 [View]
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Exist in a reality where women are both capable and worthy of love.

>> No.18073718 [View]
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so this bitcoin stuff is just gonna follow sp500 in the coming years?

>> No.17658291 [View]
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>> No.16651221 [DELETED]  [View]
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I am actually working right now

>> No.15833982 [View]
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>Better get to bed soon anon. Gotta rest up for work tomorrow
What has life become?

>> No.1548488 [View]
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>Hedge funds allocate 1% to Bitcoin.
Why would they do this? Hedge funds try to buy a little bit of everything but given how volatile bitcoin is there's no reason to expect the average fund to pick up anywhere near 1% of its total value in bitcoin.
>Argentines sell USD cash for Bitcoin
Why? Do you predict Argentina to suddenly come down with a plague of Downs Syndrome? Are they retarded? Why would they get rid of one of the most stable and universally traded currencies for a volatile number they can't even spend at the grocery store much less in a back alley.
>Gold hoarders divest 1% into Bitcoin
The sort of person who hoards gold is not the sort of person to divest that stake, much less trade it for a number
>Bitcoin replaces the remittance market
Literally wat. How high are you?
>Becomes the global E-Commerce currency
Unless the entirety of e-commerce is reduced to drugs and kiddie porn I have no idea why you would expect this to happen. The existing e-commerce systems are faster, more secure, and easier to use. Knowing exactly who is paying whom how much and when is an important feature of a functioning marketplace, not a bug.
>25% of black market transactions in Bitcoin
There's a number of problems with this. Least of which is the fact that even crooks prefer to trade dollar bills to bitcoins when they can, which says volumes to why bitcoin is somewhere between an interesting economic tech demo and a useless digital tulip.
>Bitcoin replaces reserve currency
Mercantilism plz go
>Bitcoin replaces offshore deposits
I know how to protect my vast wealth from the prying hands of government! I'll give it all to a bunch of NEETs in exchange for some of their rare numbers! This cannot possibly be a bad idea.

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