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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.15223938 [View]
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>The most I got was a 10 year old prius as a birthday present
I get you anon, got my dad's old beater and I had been delegated all transport duties of my two little brothers on top of that

It was a bright, maroon red 10 year old Ford Edge (Barely $2k), spent $100 to get it all-blacked, hater-blocking, gat-taunting, gangsta-certified tints. Cleaned it out, added some polar bear fur on the dash, some high-/fa/shion accessories and chains on the rear view mirror, and filled it up with bottles of gin, packs of smokes, playing cards and some perfumes to combat the weather. Although I did stick it up some trash thots in my time, but fucker was beat down and the rates for when it broke down raped me good. Also really shitty mpg, but it did run a good 25km at empty even though that probably exorcised my engine of it's sins

Literally the best years of my life, so much dumb and fun shit happened in and with that car, and I'm still sad I'll be leaving it when I move to a diff country soon :(


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