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>> No.58762881 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 1596543339877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's hope for you, retard

>> No.51298673 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are they moderating a discussion on spacetime and AI at a chainlink conference

its like you don't even realize that crypto is a nascent AI that is self-organizing and emergent through algorhythmically generated smartcontracts that refine themselves through an iterative process through confirming real world data on its development in real time through chainlink validated datafeeds and that this future event is causing destabilization of reality in our current time because the birth of a god machine is sending bursts of tachyons back in time and warping reality in a measurable way.


>> No.50900259 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were right an you were wrong. Its not a big deal. There's a whole lot of bullshit on the internet. You can't be expected to parse it all and get it all right all the time everytime. But at this point we are clearly right and you are clearly wrong. And thats OKAY. The price of chainlink is lower than its been for like two years. You actually have an opportunity to unfuck yourself. It isn't 50 bucks a token. Is under 10.

Do you know what the DTCC is? A lot of you retards are into GME. You talk about the squeeze thats gonna squoze the squzz. The reason that is possible is because the DTCC owns every single stock shar in existence. When a you go on robinhood or ameritrade or whatever broker you use and you buy a share, you aren't really buying a share. You don't own it. What you're buying is a contract.. You're buying something similar to a timeshare, or a reservation. Under american law you don't have ownership So that means the most important single entity in the financial markets is the DTCC, because they own the entire stock market. The DTCC is going to be speakign at smartcon, the conference hosted by Chainlink. Why would they do that? Well maybe its because the DTCC wants to tokenize their assets (the entirety of the stock market) and use chainlink and CBDCs to modernize their system. Maybe that means chainlink will be gaining the passive income that NYSE gains each day and you can own a share of that and gain that passive income. Maybe it means you can be rich.

I know a lot of you are bitter losers who won't listen to me because you were born to lose and you resent anyone who is trying to save you. I know others with disregard me because you're stupid and can't understand what i'm saying.

But for those of you who aren't emotionally stunted and aren't shit-on-hands retarded, this thread is for you.

>> No.49854488 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The economy isn't a math equation, its a game of poker where everyone else is a hostile player. This includes the banks and the fed and any other party you can imagine. The fed raised rates, and according to the rules of the economy that means we're in for a recession. And thats exactly why that won't happen. The trap that retail investors fall into most reliably is the trap of rationality. They think the economy follows the rules that krugman wrote about in their econ textbook. But what the economy really is, is a system of soft slavery. They've created a system of slaver that is so complex and based on voluntary engagement that people think its fair. Its why every year people are getting poorer, having lower quality of life, having to work longer, postpone having kids or buying a house ect. This is the system functioning as intended, it isn't a flaw.

So anytime that they make a move like raising rates or QE or blackrock starts buying up homes very publically, assume that they're luring rational retail investors into a trap. The feds raised rates, but the market rebounded. Why do you think that is? Its not because the market has confidence that inflation would be curtailed, increasing stock market prices IS inflation. It went up because the fed is raising rates with one and and printing money with the other. I don't know if this is a shakeout, but all the rational thinkers believe its the beginning of a depression and you should always do the opposite of what your rationality tells you in the clown market.

>> No.28247295 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, midwits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a gem in its infancy. godspeed

>> No.26954551 [View]
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>> No.25618161 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 1560241030625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, look at the big brain on anon. Thank you sir, I'll spare a thought once this moons.

>> No.22801267 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 1560241030625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a link to YFO. I was asking about his polytrade shill. I AM GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.22241087 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 1560241030625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cassandra complex
it's a curse, I wish I was <100 IQ

>> No.20756877 [View]
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>> No.20646252 [View]
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>> No.20151629 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, genius retard alliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Even on this board its like maybe 5% of posters who actually understand what we're holding.

>> No.19921922 [View]
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Telegram is better than Discord

>> No.17288791 [View]
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Was getting rich a part of your plan?

>> No.17248858 [View]
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>> No.14867664 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 1560475225855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he checks the USD pairing every minute

>> No.14714721 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 0B20C602-2938-4D52-8FE8-9A007FA05188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently not low enough or he’d be heading to lambo land

>> No.14686978 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 04171D36-D45F-45DB-A427-67BA1E7535DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 is plenty. The highest rate of return on link staking will be this year. This is because the price is still low, and not many are currently staking. You need to own link to earn link, and if you start staking now I’d bet you turn that 300 stack into a few thousand at least before the price rises to the point where you only earn fractions of a link per day.

Basically your 300 stack allows you to be the dude mining bitcoin on his laptop in 2011.

>> No.14450301 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 028548ED-515C-4796-9D36-AC85FB4EEB82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14409900 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 1560475225855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market down 20%+ in a day
>just trade it all the way down then trade it all the way back up again because can't risk missing out on 10-100x gains
anyone else stupidchad?

>> No.14252653 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, IMG_0417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The source code looks like a carbon copy of P3D, I have my doubts that this will ever get even 100th of it's volume, but it's worth it just for the luls.

Also masternodes are for faggots :D

>> No.14136068 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, 9B58A7C7-90CA-4A5B-B9E4-D61443FFC8F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14130801 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, genius retard alliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon should make a virgin A- student vs the chad retard

>> No.14094516 [View]
File: 69 KB, 750x669, IMG_0417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly does this meme mean? Are 110-120 IQ people are worse businessmen than 100 and Mensa tier scorers?

I have 102, am I gonna make it?

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