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>> No.19888722 [View]
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>partners with CHINA
>limp +9%, can't evenbreak ATH

>> No.19830464 [View]
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700 DMGlet here, bought at 0.68. I can´t wait for official presale, because I´m at work at the time (in my timezone) Will u anons sell after monday or holding? Give me your best price predictions based on your delusional hopium please

>> No.19538314 [View]
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People finally realizing 99% of crypto is pump and dump scams and the real gains for the past few years have been in stonks. And recently people have been making huge gains in stonks and options while crypto continues to crab at best

>> No.19512190 [View]
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Brainlet here, no rude words. Also I am here after one week and saw statera just now.
Let´s say I got some linkies in atomic wallet (yes I know). What´s the quickest way to statera? install metamask, transfer link from aw to metamask, connect with uniswap, transfer from metamask to uniswap, swap linkies for STA, and sent back to metamask? Can i send it to AW, or AW don´t support it? Can I swap link for STA, or just ETH?
t.metamask/uniswap virgin

>> No.19300785 [View]
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>tfw unironically dont have a single friend

>> No.18861864 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is overdosing on heroin a peaceful way to die?

>> No.18325663 [View]
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How do you cure depression?

>> No.17813282 [View]
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Someone recommend me a movie to watch. sick as fuck

>> No.17064025 [View]
File: 234 KB, 2048x1278, hate this game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Xi's oft-cited economic prowess is a myth. In fact, China's GDP remains stagnant. Exports, not imports, account for China's contribution to the global economy. Its foreign trade has only been growing at a paltry rate and its industrial and manufacturing exports have already begun to decline.
China is being pulled down into a dark hole, and until the downward spiral is reversed, there will be no miracle. dildos by the thousands are being painted by the hands of our children. Fourteen children has been killed and hundreds wounded in the West Bank by Israeli occupation forces; their pain will not be swept under the rug of history.

>> No.16696117 [DELETED]  [View]
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How do you cure depression?

>> No.16436239 [View]
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How do you cure depression?

>> No.15592326 [View]
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are we still going to make it?

>> No.15551693 [View]
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When does it get better?

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