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>> No.16222499 [View]
File: 73 KB, 538x1024, interracial america 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its comforting to blame the Jews, blame the bankers and globalists and any other label you want to place on the boogeyman that somehow caused the white man to fall. But in reality its the white race itself that is to blame for its utter weakness and degeneracy.

They are the weakest, most easily feminized, most degenerate race on earth. And its not even close.

You can post a million picture of vikings and explorers and great men from the past, but these are all dead. They don't exist among whites anymore in any large number. So stop equating today's whites with the great inventors, conquerors and builders of the past. Today's white people are like the spoiled offspring of the rich entrepreneur who build his empire only to see his weak, spoiled children waste it.

They let outsiders rape the shit out of their countries in exchange for materialism and porn and cheap chink shit. They are like a race of girls. They encourage and enable mass immigration to replace themselves instead of having a family of their own. They import Muslims and give them welfare and raise and school their nigger children all while have none of their own. White people are literally retarded and want to be genocided. This is what you need to understand. The average white male wants to masturbate to a big African pleasuring his unhappy wife. His wife does not want to mate with him but she will with niggers or Muslims. The white male happily pays taxes so others can have families. Today's young white men in their primes would rather play vidya eat carbs and fap to interracial tranny anime

Every hates white males not because they are strong and conquerors or oppressors, but BECAUSE they are so weak and cuckable.

They have to die off like all weak die off in nature. Look no further than the mirror if you want to know what is wrong with white countries.

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