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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.29321889 [View]
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>t. "people" who sold their entire stack at the start (can we even call them human if they shit in the street?)

>> No.26510271 [View]
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>> No.26487824 [View]
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There's a gang of organized pakistani rapists pesting the board to shill a pump and dump scam.
The shitcoin name is rubic, you know that, because there are 50+ threads about that on average on this shitboard right now.
You can check that they come from nowhere on warosu, since their shilling started some day ago.
They took old memes and modded them and they use vpns to samefag in their threads, to keep them bumped and make it seem that there's a lot of people interested in that literally who shitcoin.
They did the same exact shit other times on biz, when the dump is over they disappear and only some desperate bagholder with a -50% is left.
Of course the entire "paid fud operation because they want to buy lower" is a non-sense, they're getting paid for that, and the number of threads and answers they open is enough proof.
I'm an oldfag and i can assure you that they were here multiple times to shill PnD scams.
Don't put your money on this shitcoin, even if it's just $100, you're basically putting them in the curry pockets of a pakistani rapist.
It's full of lotteries rn if you want to try a random 100x, this is definitely a rigged one.

>> No.26473547 [View]
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There's a gang of organized pakistani rapists pesting the board to shill a pump and dump scam.
The shitcoin name is rubic, you know that, because there are 50+ threads about that on average on this shitboard right now.
You can check that they come from nowhere on warosu, since their shilling started some day ago.
They took old memes and modded them and they use vpns to samefag in their threads, to keep them bumped and make it seem that there's a lot of people interested in that literally who shitcoin.
They did the same exact shit other times on biz, when the dump is over they disappear and only some desperate bagholder with a -50% is left.
Of course the entire "paid fud operation because they want to buy lower" is a non-sense, they're getting paid for that, and the number of threads and answers they open is enough proof.
I'm an oldfag and i can assure you that they were here multiple times to shill PnD scams.
Don't put your money on this shitcoin, even if it's just $100, you're basically putting them in the curry pockets of a pakistani rapist.
It's full of lotteries rn if you want to try a random 100x, this is definitely a rigged one.

>> No.26470994 [View]
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>80+ spamming advertising threads for a never heard of shitcoin to steal 100 bucks from some underage newfag retard
>PLOT TWIST now they spam even fake fud threads to fud the fud
>mods do shit about

>> No.26466819 [View]
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>80+ spamming advertising threads for a never heard of shitcoin to steal 100 bucks from some underage newfag retard
>PLOT TWIST now they spam even fake fud threads to fud the fud
>mods do shit about

>> No.26462623 [View]
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They're paid to shill a pump and dump russian scam.
Some whale is dicking them repeadetly so the shitcoin keeps being dumped, now the team poured another 2.5 eth to allow another fake pump.
They are literally desperate atm and shill harder, you can notice by their rage that the seethe is skyrocketing.

If you buy rubic you will lose money

>> No.26452774 [View]
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There's a recurring gang of organized pakistani curry rapists that is actively shilling a PnD scam (Rubic, RBC) on the board.

>How does a PnD work
They buy a low market cap shitcoin and hire other low level pakistani rapists, they compensate them with money or other shitcoins if they post/comment threads here.
There's a high rate of QA going on in these threads, they keep those bumped and create engagement, making (You) believe that there's actually organic interest in the shitcoin.
What the shitcoin does is completely not relevant, since they bought it low months ago and then they can pump it with low effort, because the market cap is low.
When there's enough cattle in, they give the signal in their discords, every pakistani rapist will dump the shitcoin at the same time (if he's not busy raping a defecating woman in the village).

>How do they shill
They make a ton of threads, they lurk on warosu and steal old memes, change the colors and paste the logo of the new PnD, create or steal old copypastas, that's it.
If they encounter fud they try to make it seem stupid or coordinated, the 'paid fud' meme is amazing.

Now you're fucking warned, if you buy into this scam you will lose your money.

>> No.26434181 [View]
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Rubic RBC
Tell us WHY did you buy this, please, it's for research purposes

>> No.26429823 [View]
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They're seething and raging because some juror anon is collecting their data to sue them, and biz dumped on them at the same time, so they're actually losing money, this won't last and they know that they'll have to dump on themselves to exit.
Of course trust is not a virtue in a bunch of pakistani losers, so their shilling is intensifying and the low level shills are getting nervous.
This is one of the most kek'ble things happening right now

The shitcoin is Rubic (ticker RAPE)

>> No.26420662 [View]
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20/25 of the pakistani rapists are in jail

>> No.26417632 [View]
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>Biz is plagued by pakistani shilling rubic

>> No.26405398 [View]
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they're shilling tubic

>> No.26383604 [View]
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their lame plan exposed
How do we ask mods to nameban the poobic keywords for at least 3 weeks? So the shill operation falls completely?

>> No.26381483 [View]
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Shills btfo'd? Did mods ban them?

>> No.26372195 [View]
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>Be a pakistani
>Join a gang of shills
>Shill a russian PnD scam on a basket weaving mongolian board
>Claim you bought 100k even if you are poor as fuck
>Claim your prize
>Go in the village
>Search for a woman defecating in open air to rape
>Brag with the other gang members on discord
>Pay for the lawyer
That's Rubic 101, what are you waiting for anon? Buy! This is a sure 1000000000000000000000000x

>> No.26370267 [View]
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they hope to create "hype" for that pnd to allow devs to rugpull on the morons that fall for the scam.

They were clearly hired by the bitch who works at the marketing team, so we have to reach her in order to stop the rapists gang, since JANJANS don't do shit about

>> No.26364286 [View]
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>be in pakistan
>rape a woman
>come on biz to shill rubic
the patrician's choice

>> No.26362509 [View]
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Recently a gang of pakistani rapists is pesting the board:
>advertizing or begging
>extremely low quality
>Intentionally evading spam/post filters

Janjans don't see that, they just remove threads if they think that there's some 'political' content.
If you shill a simple coinbase earn referral you get banned because links are namebanned.
But a gang of paid shills can invade this board of curry shilling 24h a literal pnd scam and using vpns, because it's ok.

>> No.26359485 [View]
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>a shitcoin
>a pump and dump scheme
>a board of retards
>a bunch of jannies doing nothing
>a cattle of newfags
welcome to rubic

>> No.26353736 [View]
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>a shitcoin
>a pump and dump scheme
>a board of retards
>a bunch of jannies doing nothing
>a cattle of newfags
welcome to rubic

>> No.26296360 [View]
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>advertizing or begging
>extremely low quality
>Intentionally evading spam/post filters

janjnans don't do shit

>> No.26274231 [View]
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They made over 200 spam threads about a pump and dump shitcoin.
They do that because they were paid to spam.
Janjans don't do shit about that.

>> No.26266424 [View]
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why don't you fucking remove those threads JANJANS?

They're paying 50% of your salary you say?

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