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>> No.28357463 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1610230603849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late to apply this cycle, all the scholarship money will have already been disbursed. most deadlines are also next month. desu, studying law is somewhat risky, even at the big schools. i'm only doing it because im a 30 year old boomer oldfag with considerable savings and family property keeping me afloat. i can afford to not worry about money too much. you're young, so you need to focus on making as much money as possible in your 20s. i'd say take a gap year, go live with your parents, study hard for the GRE. brush up on math, learn python/R. get into a good school, get rich. and in 10 years, you can always study law if that's what you really want.

>> No.27498078 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1610230603849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peace and morgans have more of a premium, you're not gonna find them just slightly above melt unless they're bad culls.

>> No.26096646 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1610230603849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like Africa's Singapore or is trying to be. not yet economically obviously, but in terms of being a very paternalistic government. Not the best for muh 'personal freedoms' or whatever, but you could probably fly low on the radar and not get fucked with.

>smells like the globohomos have their hands all over it behind the scenes. Not trying to discredit the nice civilization that the Africans have built, but sounds pozzed already

stop being a directionbrained /po/tard. first of all, go read. this is something /pol/tards never do. globhomo actually hates Kagame because he's not the typical African despot they can control through bribes. The Economist, Wapo, NYT, and every other rag and globohomo media outlet you can think of, have published hit pieces on him ever since he came to power. also, you need to learn to distinguish between genuine environmentalism and globalist green cuckoldry. no one wants to be drinking Flint water or have plastics show up in womb.

>> No.24439176 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, D1EC04D3-264C-4DBE-8667-FD4A288A27A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24241334 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, A9AE8D2F-CDF7-4D2C-8282-A707816FA8C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50 XLM code, 4 spots left

Answers (In order of the quizzes):
Q1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
Q2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
Q3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
Q4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
Q5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions

$50 COMP code, 4 spots left

Q1: Earn interest on crypto
Q2: Supply crypto asset as collateral
Q3: COMP token holders

>> No.24220981 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, B1EC343A-7B01-43DE-9408-45B44DA8324F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24170353 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1604916503133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50c inbound

>> No.23810601 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1604657735724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cont.... sorry for the wall. I was board. Be illuminated. XRP is the standard.

So basically because our minds make up reality, in short, ideas never die. And the best ideas are usually told through stories that teach you principles. Jesus is the most absolutely based story ever, and not realizing the massive implications that simply knowing the ENTIRE PLANET BASICALLY knows his name and story.... is just short sighted entirely. Especially because the story is so simplisticly based, you cannot stand against its core lessen and not be called evil.

Organized religion is dumb and muhhhh holy words on paper worshippers have been led to the slaughter by the evil ones.

>no they aren't the ones responsible for the global human/child sex trafficking and all the literal thousands of years of "coincidental" evidence and symbolism that's not real

Incorrect anon. I know it hurts, but it's true. Ever wonder why basically every culture on the planet has old folk tales of monsters stealing and eating kids? I mean come on, don't be naive. It does help in the rituals, I know exactly how but I don't really want to get into that, though its not that hard to figure out, hint, I have given you more than enough information to be able to know it yourself.

In the end though, they can still repent and try to undo what they did. Tbh, to the eternal hate some good white hats will feel because of me saying this, but some of their souls, the less evil ones, are worth sparing annihilation to go to "hell." Particularly the ones born into it that maybe will repent and do the right thing. They still deserve death though, there's no skipping that. And those that were the most evil deserve being cast out into the void of nothing.

>> No.15332407 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, flw81tqxkq431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the most niggerish strat, lmao. I'm white but borderline retarded and I wish you good fortune

>> No.15065588 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, y6dcjr21hbw21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the niggers

>> No.15009252 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, flw81tqxkq431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable, have a nice day

>> No.14886085 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, flw81tqxkq431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeit, I been found out

>> No.13201503 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1537388733495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it has potential. hoping for a big push soon! looks like it's setting up!

not sure how long I will hold. -5% or +30% seems reasonable.

>> No.8563097 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1522056396652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it dump further after mainnet?

>> No.2318500 [View]
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>> No.1612711 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1478667708646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bough NVDA thursday afternoon for 67.25

>> No.1422626 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, MakinMuney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to wear a nice suit, walk into an office, eat nice meals all day, live in a huge house and make tons of money.

What degrees goyz

>> No.1415620 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, MakinMuney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some sort of website that gives tips on what stocks are good to invest in at the present time? Something that gives information like:

Nintendo- Doing shit. Dont invest fgt.

Trump Coin- Doing nicely. Invest fgt.

Etherum- meh its k. Invest fgt.

>> No.1337743 [View]
File: 943 KB, 634x623, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I've been getting into Bitcoin lately and I was finding out how to mine and get them. There are games and such but they're hard to win. I subscribed to this email and got 99 bits. But I want more bitcoins so how do I mine them? I saw this ButterflyLabs program with hardware on it.
>What program do I need to mine bitcoins?
>Do I need a specific hardware to mine them?

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