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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58336029 [View]
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it gonna pump out of your moms pussy, while i fuck your sister in its shade.

>> No.54471635 [View]
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based retiring to france boomer

>> No.53164449 [View]
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GME will win

>> No.50050149 [View]
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Same, my parents did the smart thing. They did most of the work themselves and only got a mortgage at a time.
>see in the news that a guy got like 10 mortages by going to different banks, lost a lot of renters, utterly fucked.
>"remember son, debt is a deal with the devil. If you want to beat the devil don't be greedy."
>not even religious
They probably will not try to get another property, so I will continue with the plan when I finish studying (without debt). If possible I try to get an apartment out of the country big enough for me and my sibling, just in case.

>> No.28153814 [View]
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check and based. simps need to rope

>> No.26682997 [View]
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>> No.25364061 [View]
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Experienced and legit peeps wanted. Spergs appreciated too

>> No.23029708 [View]
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precisely this

>> No.14200141 [View]
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Anyone here have exp with manufacturing clothing? Like sourcing from china? I'm thinking of starting a clothing brand. Now Im going to make small orders until I get enough traction. Currently have two stores and looking to either expand or source. Sourcing sounds fun because it requires me to be out and about.

>> No.14094066 [View]
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Go do extreme shit. Hand gliding, bungie jumping, skydiving etc. Nothing beats the thrill of possibly dying. Plus, if you do die, God won't count it as a suicide and you might be able to make it to purgatory begore going to heaven

>inb4 muh atheism cucks

God is real anon. The real whales here, the jews, all worship demons. Its a logical fallacy here but to me that means there is a God and he loves you, even when you don't love yourself. Git gud kid

>> No.11792795 [View]
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Eth is not good and certainly your Quntum isnt either

>> No.11778652 [View]
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With enough money they can probably grow one in a lab, or cut the foreskin off some animal and put it on your dick. So there's that. I mean, they grew a whole dick on a mouse didn't they?

>> No.11776065 [View]
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Just wait

>> No.10979032 [View]
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Look on the bright side you could die before you have to dig all the way out. Please go die now

>> No.10332202 [View]
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Oh (You)

>> No.7356130 [View]
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>mfw went to the moon and didn't come back down with the coinlets

>> No.7157735 [View]
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we're finally gonna make it

>> No.4506853 [View]
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Obsidian. Seriously

>> No.3587963 [View]
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This shit really is mooning, good fucking tip anon.

>> No.3587039 [View]
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Just wait, at 32 you're gonna make a fortune.

>> No.3501900 [View]
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>> No.3396247 [View]
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Be honest; How often do you contemplate suicide?

For me, it's about once a week. Which is pretty good - considering my financial circumstances and career prospects.

>> No.2729938 [View]
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Your parents loved you enough to provide food and shelter, repay them by taking care of them when they're older.

>> No.2017223 [View]
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I once knew a beaner who worked at a grocery store and showed up to a house party (early 20somethings mostly) in a brand new chevy impala with expensive rims and blue underglow.

My dad died when I was 20 and my mom is an absolute failure in life so I had no sense of safety growing up in my 20's. I saved every fucking nickle and dime I had and never splurged on large purchases. Been driving the same car since 2007 (purchased USED).

This has enabled me to amass a fortune of 60,000 USD even though I only make 25k-30k a year.

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