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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.50636216 [View]
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>And remember, "poorness" itself is relative. The American poor today still have a well sized living pod, VR/Internet, a smartchip, multiple car experience packages, and plentiful nutrients. The poor 100 years ago huddled together with their IRL "family" in "homes" with no homeostatic temperature control/sexual reward system and died by the age of 80.

>People like to mock the concept of trickle down and relative advancement but it's literally fucking true. The combine chases a bag thanks to the interneural market, they create something for an exclusive few at the start, eventually they learn what we want and it gets mass produced for everyone and the whole of society benefits.

>Meanwhile, take a look at the podless. They stagnated entirely in non innovative muck and had to get crumbs of culture from what the combine was doing. People there still have to feed manually and wear clothes to protect themselves from the elements for fuck's sake.

>> No.49960988 [View]
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It's gonna happen any day now!! 2 weeks!

You wish
If that were to happen a healthy end would be able to come out of it
Instead we'll just slowly become a little better than Brazil
America has a lot going for it, 2 oceans on either side for defensibility, hundreds and hundreds on either side of natural harbors, the largest tract of farmland in the world, we'll unfortunately be fine no matter how retarded the ruling jew elite wants to fuck with the rotting corpses of our former social institutions

All is replaced by capitalism, and this process is not simply the fault of "capitalism" as commies would tell you, but the result of the progress of technology itself
You and all your value as a human will be slowly stripped away, you won't see the day since you'll be dead just like our ancestors 10,000 years ago didn't expect that their 100x great grandchildren would lose a lemon's size amount of brain, or that they'd undergo the same processes seen in animal domestication show in themselves
And one day your pod will be turned off by the AI that just doesn't care anymore, like a kid who's done looking at an anthill

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