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>> No.17585216 [View]
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So, I'd always wanted to get into algo trading already which was way over my head, but now that I was missing a bunch of basic features I previously had on Bitmex I wondered if I could build myself a little API trading program in Python and implement that kind of functionality locally, myself. And even better I was jobless and figured I could simultaneously get serious about teaching myself some best practices coding and chalk up some actual experience at the same time

Having the need for it personally kept me from giving up early, because usually I'd start an attempt at a codecademy course or something and make a calculator app in javascript or some shit and then sit there with my dick in my hand like "great. What now, am I a coder yet?" not having a solid idea of what I should do next.

I always hated coding from my high school intro CS courses, and thought I wasn't good at it but I was so angsty back then I just decided fuck it I'm not really doing anything else productive with my time and I need this thing anyway, so let's see if I can just hack together a janky bot that does most of what I need even if shittily.

Literally 95% of the time was me googling "make python gui program" and "python how to know when i need classes" type stuff. I remember I ran into a wall when I realized that, if I wanted to set it up so that hitting one button would have the program start monitoring the price continuously, and do something automatically when it detected the price changed by X amount - I couldn't ALSO keep the GUI's loop process running at the same time, so it would freeze the whole UI whenever I did it. Looking into it I learned I would have to implement asyncio (python's async [concurrency] standard library) and man that took me fucking weeks to understand and build in to my program.

>> No.14244294 [View]
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>> No.11586368 [View]
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Other relevant details for my case:

>have 2 bachelor's degrees in engineering (Electrical and Biometrics)
>knowledgeable technologycuck; regular of /g/ but with less autism

Also have qt gf, here's her:
>from middle of bumfuck nowhere, WV
>childhood literally every stereotype of Trailer Park Boys-esque memery
>only ever traveled within US
>down for whatever; doesn't care where we go (she's a keeper)
>decent experience in cosmetology (lol)
>almost finished school for it but dropped out because reasons
>basically only retail experience

Anyway.. I'm just curious if I/we saved a decent bit of cash and had nothing tying us down here, where would be the ideal spot on Earth to not only broaden my horizons a bit but also have a high likelihood of putting down some comfy roots as a cyberpunk crypto-nigger?

Not worried about visas or any of the logistical stuff yet but I do not know how earning a living would look. I get the feeling that the rest of the world is much less rah-rah enthusiastic about, for example, the engineering meme than we typically are in 'Murca.

>> No.11186283 [View]
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OP, I know your feels LITERALLY *exactly*:

My mom pulled some strings to get me into the beginner Python programming club in my middle school, when I was in 6th grade (like this anon >>11184844)
(was because I was t. gifted&talented program cuck, etc)

And also had a long text conversation the other day with an old buddy of mine who was in the Electrical Engineering program with me at college, which I graduated with a Bachelors in last year. He hated EE and so got a software engineering internship at a company that ended up hiring him full-time, but his programming skills were basically fucked in the beginning. So, as he told me when I asked for general advice, he made it by strapping the fuck in and giving himself a crash course on self-learning literally everything. Particularly, he said the key thing that drove him more than anything was a fear of failure, that he wouldn't learn what he needed to fast enough, and the company would fire him or something.

Anyway, the more & more I talked to him, I could tell his thing was that "you gotta learn programming the HARD way, like me! If you don't do everything from the ground up and master the basics before going to the next level, you're as good as shit on my boot and should kill yourself before attempting to start", and so on.

I appreciated that perspective but I tried to communicate to him that I think I have a very different learning style, and have been coding in some capacity since I was a kid, and though I never had the patience or incentive to sit and complete any real pet projects from start to finish, I did simply want to get hired, if I possibly could, by any company that would take a chance on me and my diverse-but-raw-and-undeveloped programming skills. Then I could at least pay the bills (even if I were to accept a much lower starter salary at first, which I'd totally be willing to do) and from there, fill in my knowledge gaps as I go.

(cont., hold on)

>> No.10537631 [View]
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While this is true, all the girls (i.e. all 3 of them) were probably hands down the hardest/smartest workers compared to the rest of the autists in my program. Total redpill but it’s true, although the autists probably won’t tell you the same.

>> No.8061341 [View]
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I have a BS in Electrical Engineering and have been working as a technician at a government contractor for several months now. It’s boring though and I’m in manufacturing, not among the actual white collar suits.

I’m trying to get into the software areas there, but if my bosses can’t find a place for me coding a bit within the company, where should I quit and look to? I have plenty of programming experience in school classes but that’s about it. Mostly java, some c, a decent amount of python.

>> No.4108925 [View]
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Recently graduated college in May after 5 years, for a dual major in EE and biometrics.

Been looking for a job since, and decided to take some time over the summer and be picky about where I end up. I had a co-op at this shitty shitty company in southern PA that was just awful. The management was just stuck in the 80s and the whole environment was boring as hell. So I ended it after the 2nd rotation of coming to the office to literally do nothing all day, and vowed to never take the first job I’m offered ever again. I decided I’m worth moar than that.

Fast forward to now and I’m currently interviewing with one company near where I live in a nice area, it’s a subsidiary of Boeing, $60k a year (possibly more if I can negotiate higher) as an electronics component tester. It’s through a recruiter who basically straight up told me I’m the only candidate and if I can prove I’m not a tard, it’s practically a guaranteed offer.

Other one is an IoT startup in silicon valley, as a software engineer in test. This is the one I’m gunning for and will be THRILLED if I get it, but I get the feeling from the interviewer that I’m up against at least several other people, and I was NOT a pure CS major (only classes here & there that make up my only coding experience). But I just took the online coding screening test today and did pretty well so now I just gotta get selected for in-person interviews...fly out to CA......blow them away there.....get through more technical quizzing......and then maybe that’ll be an offer.

Either way I go, the majority of my salary is going straight into crypto. We building an empire boys

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