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>> No.29646620 [View]
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>Without your knowing

I can see your nose sticking out of every post you make. Learn how to text analysis faggot.

>> No.29554915 [View]
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The way to de radicalize someone is to stop pushing society in the direction that makes people radical. What they're doing by trying to deradicalize people online is attempting to use psychological manipulation to trick people into passivity under circumstances that any right thinking individual would feel the compulsion to rise up against.

Here's the #1 surefire way to deradicalize every right wing person on the plant: Stop destroying the west.

Your copypastas aren't based, they're retarded and Q is the same as Operation Trust in the Soviet Union where they create a fake deepstate group that promises to fix things from the inside out and makes all the would be revolutionaries sit at home and trust the plan.


I can tell you right now if you go and check the archives for the first thread where they showed up, it was a schizo discussion that was good, then someone took offense to something about Nazis posted by me, they proceeded to lose the argument hard and get angry and since then that person has posted his gay nazi gifs in every thread because he's eternally salty.

I don't have a discord account. I don't have a 4chan pass and I don't use a VPN to post here. There may be a discord group posting nazi stuff, I don't know, but the person the Jew shills are targeting is me and I'm not a discord shill. The nazi discorders you speak of (I still maintain they don't exist and are a diversion attempt by the Jew discord shills which definitely do exist), if they do exist, are the same Jew group naziposting to make XSG posters get more pissed off at the nazi stuff, aiding the Jews cause.

I know how you people work and you're very bad at your jobs. I really don't come here to talk about Nazis over and over, especially with people who don't know what they're talking about. If you want to bitch about Nazis go to pol and make a thread, otherwise fuck off.

>> No.29453627 [View]
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1594542901886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Assuming you're the salty nazi dude
>Calling someone else salty when you've sat in these threads every day since you got BTFO spamming stupid shit that no one reads

>> No.8146900 [View]
File: 18 KB, 480x360, itsokaybaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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