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>> No.59677672 [View]
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/TEDDY/ bros we are all gonna wagmi it after BBBY comes back

>> No.59554804 [View]
File: 7 KB, 181x278, 84913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenny nigger over at city wok makes like $100 million a month. Why should I settle for less?

>> No.52514943 [View]
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is the money coming in or going out of that black hole?

>> No.50785700 [View]
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>> No.49961846 [View]
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the nfts are killing crypto, they're the main reason for this bear and you can't prove me wrong

>> No.49730247 [View]
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Rebase will be delayed (again). Mark my words, that shit will be released in mid 2024 - early 2025

>> No.28798331 [View]
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RLC- 4 year price suppression by Binance whale could go down, good team, memes, working product
ATOM- Stargate launching on the 18th
XLM- probably won't suddenly moon but steady gains are inevitable

>> No.28791928 [View]
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Not a rubic holder but I'm tempted, check em

>> No.28498700 [View]
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>Just become an oiler
Poorfag here, but the team looks good and you guys are comfy. Please don't let me down.

>> No.28497517 [View]
File: 8 KB, 181x278, 1561144665291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm interested. Question is, am I waiting for a dip today?

>> No.28496249 [View]
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Fuck it, I'm in. New/poorfag so I can't buy much but here's hoping this shit moons.

>> No.28494614 [View]
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Checked, can you spoonfeed us some more? Where to buy?

>> No.28401964 [View]
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Link I understand looking at its history, but why not btc and eth? Thanks fren.

>> No.28331074 [View]
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Shill me on this, I know nothing

>> No.28088317 [View]
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I'm doing my part, we're ready and waiting OP

>> No.26582379 [View]
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Will I make it, magic based ball?

>> No.25833172 [View]
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I am a very new fren with very little in the markets, is there space for me?

>> No.25737018 [View]
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This coin is just shilled to an uncomfortably hard degree, and I'm quite new to crypto. I'll be investigating further.
Good point.

>> No.25704682 [View]
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I only hold algorand and tezos

>> No.25555473 [View]
File: 8 KB, 181x278, 1561144665291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you went all in on XLM and GRT on the dips
I am new to investing in general and crypto in particular, and bought two small bags.
Will I make it?

>> No.25551320 [View]
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Rolling, please no shitcoins

>> No.25471973 [View]
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2/3 XLM, 1/3 GRT as a long hold. I'm just starting out so both are in low amounts and I plan to diversify soon, or maybe acquire more XLM for the XRP delist and Coinbase card-caused surge.

>> No.25435001 [View]
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ENTP-A here, do I check out?

>> No.25321080 [View]
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Hello /biz/. I thought we should have a thread about the most common and recognizable posters. I'll start.

>The guy who advertises his supposed tranny pump and dump discord in every alt thread

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