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>> No.16431005 [View]
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The real ones or the skinny objectified ones?

Last year of college, the cafeteria was flooded with highschool girls they were recruiting. Talked to them and became horrified as many said they were going to be engineers because their parents told them, they'd make more money and/or they were offered free college if they did. All my scholarships were cut right before this, so i was sure they were redirected to them.
For 2 of the girls I would have supported as they were interested in tech and were talented, I support more females in science. But what got me was the all the other 100+ girls who they were just setting up for failure at my expense, it seemed to be the best way to hurt everyone. I lose my funding, girls deal with high stress classes they will fail while wasting years of their lives, college will get twice the blow back for not managing to fix the very high drop out rate and just exacerbate the already horrible male:female ratio image they have.

Funny you should mention lower standards, because I later learned they had overhauled the math requirements that same year. Let's just say I would not have failed if I was held to the new standard, and now see it as a matter of time till that top tier tech school sells out to be a diploma mill like so many others.

The setup was brutal but efficient because there was a lack of surplus. But get a few decades of huge surplus and we forget why we had such a brutal system to start with. The hard work of domestic workers (historically women) was undocumented GDP and investment in vital things like sanitation and child raising. I don't really care who does that role, but someone has to fill the support role or nothing works. We need stay at home Dad's if we want to let women go to work.

I call it the super power problem. Give everyone super powers and things go crazy because our social order has no idea how to handle it.

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