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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59113260 [View]
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>The state secrets have been revealed
>And we didn't have to learn a secret handshake!
What secrets do they guard? How did they circumvent the esoteric greeting ritual?

>> No.58529171 [View]
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Yes. Famished even. Now we rise again Hungrybros.

>> No.58022026 [View]
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I am a white magician using angelic powers of light to cleanse innocent anons of the evil saturnian mind control they've succumbed to.
The linkies will gnash and squirm like a victim being possessed by demons, but the sooner chainlink goes to 0 the better will its victims be.
Many anons have lost their best years along with their minds to the clutches of this fat sorcerer and his Saturn sigil. Link holders are HEXED, their souls and minds ensnared and bound to suffering.

>> No.57775320 [View]
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Thank you.

>> No.57717393 [View]
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We are abandoned...

>> No.57710719 [View]
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There are 2 threads now.

We must spread this frog seed across the 4chan universe. ALL threads should witness pepe in his ultimate glory.

>> No.57710332 [View]
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>> No.57647284 [View]
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All of the good mutual fund and hedgefund managers aren't popular.

Seriously. The best managers are people nobody has ever heard of. You have to find them by doing your own research.

They always say 99% of managers don't beat their index, that's just talking-point bullshit with 0 statistics behind it. My Emerging Markets manager has literally beaten his index for 8 years in a row (since he's been the manager). According to le-normies that should be impossible.

>> No.57642248 [View]
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Be the first gen.

>> No.57641794 [View]
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Newton Falls isn't too bad, but it's all white trash and it gets ghetto as fuck if you head northeast or east into Warren/Youngstown.

>> No.57637998 [View]
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>> No.57619847 [View]
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Anyone want to be my fren? I'm a lonely oldfag.

>> No.57618004 [View]
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I'm insane.

I have non-stop intrusive and repetitive thoughts. I have OCD and pre-hypertension. I feel like I'm losing my mind as I type this.

Sometimes I just want to go somewhere for no reason and leave everything behind for a few weeks. Sometimes I just want to run and never stop. Sometimes I just want to sleep and never wake up.

BTW, I already eat healthy, drink a gallon of water a day, exercise (I used to model), am good with money and have a decent (but boring) job. I am slipping on my sleep schedule though. I've never felt love in my life and I'm 30.

>> No.57614473 [View]
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I had to teach myself. I wish I would've had someone rescuing me how to incest at 18 years old, but I didn't start until I was 24.

I offered to teach my niece how, but she hasn't shown interest sadly.

>> No.57608357 [View]
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Depends on the context.

As usual, the question is lacking critical information.

>> No.57594768 [View]
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I need morale support.

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