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>> No.27579579 [View]
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Nah you're a fucking moron. Here's how it actually works:
Producers always create two futures, a short and a long, spaced apart to hedge their own production. Once their product is ready to ship, they close out their short and get assigned a long future.
Most of the time, no one takes delivery so the producers keep the silver and profit off writing the contracts.
When there is a surge of demand, APMEX taps the banks who then tap the futures markets to make deliveries from the miners.
As a last measure, COMEX has its own supplies and can fulfill unpredictable demand but has failed to delivery many times last year and was said to completely fold this year on excess demand.

Meanwhile, somehow without producing ANY demand on COMEX, JP Morgan keeps adding to the SLV reserve of paper silver. Somehow these guys keep addings thousands of tons of silver to their imaginary vault without putting pressure on the market. And the SEC doesn't go after them for downgrading the rating of miners they allegedly got their metal from.

Because fuck logic.

We are at the threshold of a massive silver default. You sir are a FUCKING MORON and you have no idea how the futures market works. You are either a shill or a midwit, either way go fuck yourself.

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