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>> No.56910860 [View]
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Just buy a T-Bill and get 25% more...

>> No.56909409 [View]
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I shit 16 times a day and nobody polled me...

>> No.56887141 [View]
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Ya, they're called Beefalo. This isn't some new discovery. Herd animals tend to stay in herds (shocking I know).

Did you know coyotes and wolves can breed with dogs OP?

>> No.56869915 [View]
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>In 2022, everyone was expecting a recession next year, here we are in 2023 and there’s no sign of recession anywhere.

No, they weren't. Are you totally ignorant of what MSM is saying?

>Everyone is now saying inflation is over and we need to worry about slashing rates so a recession can be avoided.

Those people are retarded and have never looked at a chart in their lives.

>What will actually happen is inflation is going to come back full force.

Cool, now give a detailed reasoning why, other than just being "le contrarian".

>Take a look at what is happening in risk on markets like shitptocurrency and tech stocks, they’re roaring back, this generally precedes a massive wave of inflation.

Just totally ignore that treasury note/bond yields are going down.

>Don’t say you weren’t warned.

You sound like a retard speaking in absolutes. You're not a genius and you're no smarter than anyone else. Go back to Rebbit you midwit faggot.

>> No.56856186 [View]
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>> No.56832904 [View]
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Because gold mining is tough industry. Not a lot of capital flows to it. There's also no appetite for gold right now. The bulls are dumping into stocks and crypto. The bears are holdings cash, bills, notes and bonds.

What do you think?

>> No.56785424 [View]
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>10% yoy raise

So, this larping faggot never actually had a job, huh? Get this Twitter shit off my screen.

>> No.56785365 [View]
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I'm an ENTJ and all of this MBTI shit is just gay astrology for midwits.

>> No.56782915 [View]
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Think about the consequences.

>> No.56782551 [View]
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Idk. I've been getting scam calls from the UK and Phillipines.

>> No.55433505 [View]
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2 more weeks right?

>> No.54648097 [View]
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I just woke up to my mom screaming and I heard a bat squealing as she wrapped it in a towel and took it outside...

>> No.54630103 [View]
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I'm getting a gf right now just for that reason.

>> No.54628376 [View]
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I relapsed again...

>> No.54480818 [View]
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>Pic Rel.


>> No.54469976 [View]
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>Still wrong after 15 years.
>Claims he's been right anyways.

>> No.54465955 [View]
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My toes are blistered. My thumb is bleeding. The sciatic pain shoots through my ass, down my leg every so often. My knees give out randomly. The dark circles under my eyes never go away. I never have time to meet women, even if I did, I'm too tired to go out. I haven't gone on a real vacation in 6 years. Alcohol just gives me a headache and I don't like drugs. I'm 28 years old.

There is no escape.
There is no escape.
There is no escape.
There is no escape.
There is no escape.

>> No.49683569 [View]
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This board.

>> No.49561108 [View]
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People are retarded.

>Price of home goes up 15%-20% a year while interest rates dip.

>Finally buy an overpriced shitbox with 3% down and now have a 3% interest rate on a $250k loan.

>Inflation continues higher. "HAHA! I outsmarted the man! It's like I'm making 6% a year!"

>Inflation goes to double digits. You get a 3% raise.

>Taxes on your home increase.

>Cost of maintenance on your home increases.

>Labor and Resource shortages increases wait times on products for your home.

>Utilities and gas skyrocket.

>Food skyrockets.

>FED goes to far raising rates and plunges the economy into a depression.

>You possibly lose your job.

>You lose all the equity in your house. You are now underwater.

>You can't refinance your mortgage.

>You are now trapped in your shitbox for the foreseeable future. That is, if you don't lose it.

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