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>> No.56542163 [View]
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solana defeated itself long ago

>> No.56532203 [View]
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what dat haircut tho?

>> No.56479978 [View]
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>> No.56358786 [View]
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Shouldnt this guy be in the frontlines right now? he needs to let Emin take care of the cryptomarket and go fulfill his duty

>> No.55908264 [View]
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but muh heckin desert trilogy

>> No.55397215 [View]
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So it seems. It's a shame the rest of us are forced to deal with their delusions of grandeur

>> No.55075690 [View]
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>> No.55051391 [View]
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>> No.54621299 [View]
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>> No.53371256 [View]
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Jews are best

>> No.49857042 [View]
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>Bancor clearly said Celsius is shorting their BNT patouts
oh my fucking god now the word of kikes is infallible gahahahahaha
i ask him for proof and he quotes a kike lmao
how about you try again with a transaction hash you filthy jew?

and fyi, ive heard it. the guy didn't even directly call out celsius for the short (only for the withdrawal). maybe he implied it, since as a kike he wants plausible deniability (tricks the goyim into believing his lie, didn't truly call out celsius to be vulnerable to defamation charges)

finally some fucking proof
it may be confusing to your kind kike, but your word is not the word of god
maybe in your schizo religion you are gods chosen, but in reality you are pic related
but yeah thanks for posting it, now i believe that celsius is indeed shorting bnt
>You're going to jail buddy
kek maybe in your dreams shlomo
>"noooooo you can't short my token waaaaahhhhhhhhh"

>> No.49768691 [View]
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he actually gave up his magical jewish meme money for magical internet meme money

>> No.49708849 [View]
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nobody likes poorfags like you in general
if you wanna larp as faux spiritualists who are tired of greed and chasing money, at least try to hide your immense envy and inferiority complex. betrayed by:
>literal parasite
>hope you parasites burn in hell
>parasite perishes

get it? try some faux positivity instead, it will be more believable to the cattle gullible enough not to immediately disregard you
nobody likes poor people for a reason; your poverty has leaked into your soul and twisted you into an angry, bitter little thing

>> No.49696021 [View]
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>> No.49609403 [View]
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>> No.49301659 [View]
File: 43 KB, 620x437, CFC72BC8-FB48-4F80-BEE4-E7A1F8EA3E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the average of “gods chosen people”

>> No.24171232 [View]
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>What does anti-Semitism have to do with socialism? I ask the opposite: what does the Jew have to do with socialism? Socialism is the doctrine of labor. When did one ever see him work rather than plunder, steal, corrupt, and live from the sweat of others? We are socialists who oppose the Jew because we see in the Hebrew the incarnation of capitalism, which means the misuse of the people’s wealth.

>What does anti-Semitism have to do with nationalism? I ask the opposite: What does the Jew have to do with nationalism? Nationalism is the doctrine of blood, of race. The Jew is the enemy and destroyer of unified blood, the conscious destroyer of our race. We are nationalists who oppose the Jew because we see in the Hebrew the eternal enemy of our national honor and our ethnic freedom.

>“The Jew is also a human being.” Certainly. None of us has ever doubted it. We only doubt that he is a decent human being. He does not get along with us. He lives according to different internal and external laws than we do. The fact that he is a human being is not enough reason for us to be oppressed and bullied by him in inhuman ways. He is a human being — but what kind? If someone whips your mother’s face with a whip, do you say: “Thank you, he is a human being?” That is no human being, but rather a monster. How much worse has the Jew done to our mother Germany, and continues to do even today!

>“There are white Jews.” Sure, there are enough dirty dogs among us, even if they are Germans, who use immoral methods to oppress their own ethnic and blood comrades. But why do you call them white Jews? That assumes there is something in the Jewish nature that is inferior and contemptible. That is exactly what we think. Why do you ask us why we are opponents of the Jews when you are one, too, without realizing it?

>> No.23384747 [View]
File: 43 KB, 620x437, 1585976539505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. you are the second stupidest faggot on here tonight.

>> No.22506792 [View]
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ok satan, chill out ..jeeez

>> No.22007975 [View]
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"hypothetically" This is known as fraud. in this case, jail isn't "likely" it will happen if it gets shown the light of day.

for a 15k fraud charge, you would sit six months minimum. i would peg my bets on 8-15 months for sure time sitting. not including another 5 years on paper.

The jew cometh down on a goyim and he cometh down HARD anon when you mess with his money.. call him "Big worm" and assume his money, and emotions are tied closely together.

I am in no way giving legal advice here.

but if i was the friend, i would anhero, and get rid of you, because who tf commits fraud and then admits it to a co worker?

after that, I would start the process of covering some tracks, any loose ends that could unwind, tie them up and burn them closed.

the only way you get caught, is if you get audited, the only way you get audited (by a company not requiring receipts or POP of any kind) is if some knuckle dragger talks. (this will most likely be your demise, desu, the tax man looks at unaccounted money, as income for a 1099 nigger like you)

or, of course, my favorite, is the one where you are actually the guy, and you posted this question on /biz without a VPN, or maybe a bored fed sees it, and decides to have a look at you to find your friend...

>> No.22007395 [View]
File: 43 KB, 620x437, 1585976539505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sysadmin for a fortune 500 company. I do ok.

You must not understand what debt vs expenses are tho.

Ill make a sammy, but only because i know you only attack me out of hate for yourself.

>> No.21338740 [View]
File: 43 KB, 620x437, JewishFaggotRace88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17028473 [View]
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>> No.16936969 [View]
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> t.

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