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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54970956 [View]
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>Spend hundreds of hours micromanaging trades and investments, reading financial news etc...
>Barely compensate for inflation

>> No.54439588 [View]
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>> No.52525063 [View]
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>> No.27724731 [View]
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>> No.27422700 [View]
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Applied economics, finance, accounting, logistics and operations management, data sciences, business intelligence, etc.

>> No.25892105 [View]
File: 453 KB, 746x565, wagecuckwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as tech fag here who hates getting up, sitting around the computer where every outlook alert and every messenger ping reminds me i am not free, I sympathize with OP. I have about $700K and a paid home so its enough to leanfire from wagecucking but just the fact I am lucky enough to get paid well WFH a few hours a day has kept me quitting my job although i don't know how much longer I can hold on since since the bullrun
it's not really natural to work even when you don't really work that much because you lose that freedom, someone owns your time, you're forced to get up and do certain tasks, attend meetings, be friendly, etc makes me really unhappy. i think most people don't admit this because they would be depressed as fuck

>> No.25512371 [View]
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>> No.25068322 [View]
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>have to go back to work in 120 hours

>> No.23151923 [View]
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i miss waking up at 7:30 am, contemplating suicide, putting on my finest business casual wagie garb. i miss sitting in 45 minutes of soul crushing traffic each way, nearly dying multiple times to fat negresses merging into me and puerto ricans driving 100 mph in their rusted out, uninsured late 90s honda civics. i miss sitting on my uncomfortable plastic chair in an open office hell where i can hear every conversation around me, freezing cold or burning hot because our shitty HVAC system cannot regulate a fucking temperature. i miss walking into bathrooms that stink like shit and have piss all over the floors. i miss the nigger cattle stampede at TWELVE O'CLOCK SHARP, filing into an utterly destroyed break room with garbage and coffee stains and crap all over every square inch and suffering the utter cacophony of normalnigger conversation. i miss hearing about deshauntavious jackson of the san francisco niggers being traded to the philadelphia niggers. i miss mandatory meetings in cramped conference rooms. i miss fighting the post-lunch lethargy and not being able to take a nap, and i really miss being forced sit at my wagestation despite having FUCK ALL to do. i miss the 45 minutes of soul crushing traffic on the way home, typically extended to 60 minutes because some NIGGER caused a crash (i hope they died.) i miss getting home at 6:00 pm, making dinner, doing household chores, and getting a full 4-5 hours to myself before i go to bed and DO IT ALL AGAIN TOMORROW.

>> No.22464432 [View]
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I'm about to become a military anon, and also thinking about doing the online/community college thing while in the military. This doesn't have to be a shitting thread about what degrees suck more, but because I will be doing an aviation mech/tech related job, I'm thinking about getting a degree in engineering. And *if* I have the time to pursue a degree I'd probably knock a few years out of a electrical or aerospace engineering program so when I get out I can complete it on my own pace.
The thing is, I am supposedly smart enough for the job I will be doing in the military, but will I be smart enough for engineering? Maybe I should just stick with a finance/accounting degree. Because this board is where I hang out the most. Money is cool. But in the military there are no money jobs. Now my question, do I fall for the accounting meme or for the STEM meme?

>> No.19352713 [View]
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Someone told me about BTC when it hit $1 and asked me if I was investing in it? I looked Bitcoin and the first article I found was on CNBC about it being exchanged on a site that traded Magic the Gathering cards. I laughed it off as fake internet nerd money. I regret that almost every day I have to wagecuck

>> No.18824671 [View]
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>at home collecting big unemployment gibs check
>decide to learn some new skills because why not
>learn basic bitch web dev
>build a functional job board for niche jobs
>use free web scraping software to web crawl dozens of job boards for niche jobs related to my site. very easy to do, all data goes into excel sheet, spreed sheet can automatically upload into my job board how i want it arranged with little effort, after i curate the list

what the fuck am i missing here? seems like the better i get at web crawling i can build automated bots to gather all sorts of data, repackage it and sell it online in different ways. is it really this easy?

I'm not looking to make shit tons of money, only like 20-30k a year working on my own projects. seems very possible with how easy it is to do shit like this.

any advice?

>> No.17159645 [View]
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What diet and exercise regime will give me the most energy to wageslave as efficiently as possible? I am an account manager and control my own time.

There is a gym across the street from my office.



>> No.16509244 [View]
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>> No.15687122 [View]
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On my 15 what’s poppin f a m

>> No.14811974 [View]
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>> No.14724704 [View]
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Heh, j-just clocked in...its 5 o clock somewhere ha ha ha, r-right?!

At least I’ll get to buy this dump with my paycheck on Friday

>> No.14618198 [View]
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Tell me more

>> No.14328358 [View]
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Any anons ever taken a year or two off from the rat race? I’m highly debating it I’ve only been in a career job for 2 years come this October and I already want to sit out for a year:
>currently have 38k in crypto
>40k in fiat
>12k in VTI
>car paid off
My only expenses are food, rent utilities and insurances. If I have a family member who will lie and say I work for them am I cool to NEET it up for a year or two or am I being retarded here since I’ll only have 2 years experience as a professional in IT at age 28?Feel free to share experience or humble brag about your net worth.

>> No.14045994 [View]
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>monday morning

>> No.13587934 [View]
File: 453 KB, 746x565, 68FC6067-33F1-4658-9294-AF69ADB65B3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies form groups and cliques
>ostracize anyone outside said groups
>use group to promote each other and kiss bosses asses to earn favorability to each other
>Get special perks for sucking up to the right people
>women get rewarded simply for doing their job and string beta managers along so they can dick around all day
>people who don’t play games and keep their head down get no reward besides more work if they go above and beyond
I’ve noticed they all write eachother recognition slips and things like that for simply doing their jobs that get posted in the break room and get special perks like sent home if they are sick without having to use sick time if they are cool enough with the HR people. I used to be slightly jealous now I don’t care because crypto will put me light years ahead of these other wagies.

>> No.13536912 [View]
File: 453 KB, 746x565, 6864D33B-781D-4E49-9DFD-FD97E0DC7906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m tired of all the negativity around here about working, sure we all want freedom and will maybe get it eventually but for now I sit in my wage cage and as a white collar wagie realizes I’m better off than trade fags and people on restaurants and other shit jobs from here out:
>when the boss jumps I say “how high sir?”
>I show up early and stay later than most
>I look busy even though I don’t do that much real work
>I don’t sit around reading NEET LARP threads about how miserable being a wage cuck is
>I’ll keep investing in crypto
>I’ll flirt with all the QT’s at my office while autistic NEETs fap into tissues of weird degenerate porn

>> No.13264763 [View]
File: 453 KB, 746x565, 25E548C4-99D5-4E69-906F-25C3336CC73D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever do this after building themselves a decent nest?
>50k in liquid cash
>9k boomer stocks
>10k in crypto
>0 debt
>can sell art for 1-2k a month to have some form of income
I figure I’m only young once and have my entire 30’s to be the best wagie I can be. October marks my first 2 years at a big boy job that will look good on the resume and I can say I was doing remodeling work for my friends company to explain the gap on my resume. Every boomer or normie thinks it’s a terrible idea but they are all broke and in debt. Has /biz/ ever done this and do you recommend or regret it?

>> No.13165226 [View]
File: 453 KB, 746x565, wagecuckwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I quit a job $130K job with $30K yearly bonuses and took up a $95K job with $10K bonuses. The higher paying job was too much stress, responsibility, meetings, social requirements, etc.

Now I work from home 95% of the time and just do my tasks 9-5 while watching porn reading shitposting here

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