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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58523470 [View]
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>LiNK is going to pump purely off nothing but speculation which will pump our bags!!!
Do linkcels really? There were like 10 crypto's back in 2018 there are 2 million+ now.

I would literally rather own ROSE (just a standard L2) than LINK, and I own neither. LINK is a VC scam clearly being slow rugged, and the project itself is nothing special in 2024. Sorry, but that's just a reality.

>> No.58405206 [View]
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> they are overprinting, just look at rose tokenemics
Less than 2% added to the circulating supply per year?

circulating supply has been 67.14% since I bought it back in July

Next unlock is in May and is just another 1.72% of the supply. Even if you think this is shit it's still better tokenomics than pic related.

>> No.58381159 [View]
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30%!!!!!!! hAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.58369860 [View]
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LINK is the key indicator of a newfag who came here, got astroturfed by the 24/7 stinky linky bots, and got weeded out by being an idiot thinking it's a get rich quick scheme, and a "we're all in this together right bizbros?!" mentality.

In reality, look at the circulating supply of LINK. Isn't it like 50ish% released? Meaning there's going to be another 500m LINK saturating the market and driving the coin down?

You should've realised:

A) It was an astroturf. No one talks about LINK outside of /biz/, and you do NOT need an account to post here, meaning it's incredibly easy to shill.

B) Circulating supply

C) Sergey has so little faith in the coin that during all of last year he consistently dumped each time it would go up a threshold.

D) LINK does not offer any product that other assets don't already do. In 2017 it may have been groundbreaking, but now there are tons of coins that do the same.

These are not the signs of a good investment.

>> No.58343401 [View]
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I made so many ETH threads on this board and made fun of LINK and you faggots just wouldn't listen.

It was so obvious that LINK was being heavily shilled and manipulated on /biz/ because no one else talked about it anywhere else on the internet, yet there would be at least 10 threads on /biz/ at any given time.

LINK being a shitcoin was understanding that it's technology is not relevant anymore like it was when it launched. ROSE created an L2 that does exactly what LINK is meant to do, for example.

But the REAL indicator that LINK is a shitcoin was pic related, sergey dumps and the fact that only 58% of CS is out there. 58%?!?! You fucking retards!!! HAHAHAHA. You are going to get rugged as that slowly increases and inflates more than the veneuzuelan dollar.

>max supply

>circulating supply

it's going to be a bloodbath

>> No.56477893 [View]
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you dumb niggers aren't slurping you're buying someones pump at $10 kek

>> No.56174397 [View]
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The difference is is that Sergey has a gigantic bag and he is dumping it for his own profits, not new coins being minted through mining like with ETH.

He dumped at $40. He dumped at $20. He still dumped last week at $5. Most normies can't afford rent at the moment so I can't see new bagholders investing in anything right now, especially a coin being soft rugged.

You're gonna need significant liquidity buying in at the moment to break even if you invested in 2022 and before just due to how much this nigger is dumping

>> No.56156674 [View]
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It's part of the reason why LINK has been a bad investment for every single person who bought above $7, which is most of the jeets here.

Sergey dumps every week so not to completely collapse the entire supply from his own personal wallet. Even last week he was still dumping, and there is no reason why he isn't going to do it again this weekend.

>> No.56140036 [View]
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Why would that make any logical sense? I would be shilling if I were in your position.

Learn from XRP, dump that shit. Sergey already dumped 170k tokens last week, and the week before that, so why wouldn't he do it again now that it's pumped?

>> No.56092487 [View]
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And it'll be 100 soon too! Just as soon as Sergey finishes dumping his bags, every week since the bullrun ended.

>> No.56088969 [View]
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Linktards might actually rope finally instead of slurping at ATL's

>> No.56084533 [View]
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>Keep trading chainlink with your last $100 :)

You must really be new here if you think Keith is buying LINK because I've fudded that coin 1000x more over the past 2 years than this jeetcoin that'll be gone and never heard of again in 24 hours.

>> No.56078182 [View]
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you just have to check the price and it's clear as day

>> No.56073524 [View]
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it's just FUD g-guys, right?

>> No.56067954 [View]
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>moves to puerto rico
seems legit

>dumps millions of tokens over the years
>despite hard evidence of this, /biz/ (totally real users) are slurping
Kek, LINK has been the best coin to watch crash and burn across the last 2 years.

>> No.56062866 [View]
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No one is ever buying your LINK bags anon, the market has been properly flooded and you've been left holding the bag

>> No.56062433 [View]
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you must be new here.

Sergey knows the product better then you do. And the chart never lies. In this case, I'd go for XRP but in all honesty I wouldn't do either. Banks are just going to do a CBDC and alts will die.

>> No.56060760 [View]
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thats great, and i'm really so happy for you crazy crazy kids, but also please look at this as well

>> No.56059165 [View]
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sergay knows the product better than you and he's been dumping weekly keeping it above $6 all year long baby.

THIS is why linkies will rope.

>> No.56052848 [View]
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>Linkies unable to comprehend no one wants their jeet coins

>> No.56041636 [View]
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>> No.56034360 [View]
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Never forget that

>> No.56020558 [View]
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The chart does not lie anon, don't listen to the jeets, don't fall for the jeets tricks and don't buy their jeet gold
>August 19, 2020:
>LINK: $17.25
>ETH: $390
>BTC: $11,800
>BNB: $21.77
>DOGE: $0.003
>ADA: $0.14
>SOL: $3.77
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.02

>August 19, 2023:
>LINK: $7.44
>ETH: $1,848
>BTC: $29,415
>BNB: $240.15
>DOGE: $0.07
>ADA: $0.29
>SOL: $24.86
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.07

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