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>> No.49836367 [View]
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>why so many men lack ambition in modern times

It has nothing to do with women and everything to do with men.

Cis hetero white men in western society were pretty much given a leg-up in every aspect of life, from acceptance to college, job offers, and promotions at work because other white men hold all the keys in the upper echelons and are biased towards other cis hetero white men.

However, over the last 50 years or so, women, minorities, and immigrants have all become just as educated and skilled as cis het white men, if not even more.

On top of that, a lack of diversity in the corporate, political, and media world has had a light shined on it.

The groups I just mentioned, you can't exclude them from your hiring or marketing because it would look really bad, like you're racist, which could potentially get you cancelled and tank your share prices. Also, you would be leaving billions of consumer dollars on the table by ignoring those demographics.

IN OTHER WORDS, we're starting to see a shift in society where cis hetero white men actually have to compete for their place at the table and that leg-up they have been historically given is disappearing.

THE PROBLEM with these unmotivated cis hetero white males is, they don't want to compete.

They are not used to competition and they are finding it hard.

So now instead of competing, they are choosing not to.

They are instead choosing to sit at home on their computers, becoming bitter/angry, blaming "picky" women for their lackluster sex lives and blaming "pajeets" for stealing their jobs.

The ones who parents teach them not to be racist/bigoted/transphobic and to get along with women and minorities, those are the ones who will survive.

The ones who don't will end up roping or becoming radicalized by the far-right and doing something stupid like shooting a bunch of black or brown people.

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